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Im new here and was wondering....

Guest Xypher

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Im new here and was wondering if there was a release date, and if not that, how long has MTA 0.4 been on 90%? I wish there were more servers on the current version :P

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Well it's been on 90% for about 2 weeks. The site mucked up. The MTA Team didn't have to do this as i have already said in previous posts BUT there are other threads that talk about the release. Just be patient. I respect you're new in all but think how us lot have been biting our teeth!

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Oh, thats not long lol, ive had to wait more than 1 year for a new version of this 3d modeling program i have :P. I was just wondering how long it had been on 90% cause i was thinking progress had stopped on it or something.

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Nah, it only recently hit 90% as Dan said, but it had been on 80% for a fair while. It's impossible to say how long it will take because, although there is only 10% left, that 10% could take months or mere days to complete. I believe that the team are bug fixing at the moment, which (while not to mention tedious) can take a long time.

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