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MTA SErver

Guest SiloDesigns

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Link removed for now, until you can confirm you DO offer MTA servers and this isnt some thinly vieled attempt to plug your unrelated site. - MrBump

low prices for VC online

AIM: removed




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  • 5 weeks later...

This guy is a joke.

He came into a forum I'm involved in, and tried to sell his "Fast Gaming Computer", with a GeforceFX 5200. Not only that, he wanted a rediculous price for it. He also broke forum rules by not providing any information about himself, which is required if you want to sell anything. He then posted another thread trying to sell his garbage, and was quickly shut down again. He then posted another thread, basically whining and trolling.

That crossed the line and he was shut out again and banned. I have now gone to a few other forums where he has attempted to rip off people with the same deal and warn the members about this person.

Thats what I am doing here too. :)

http://www.hardcoreware.net/forum/showt ... hp?t=17558 (first thread)

http://www.hardcoreware.net/forum/showt ... hp?t=17560 (second thread)

http://www.hardcoreware.net/forum/showt ... hp?t=17573 (troll spree)

http://forums.virtual-underground.com/v ... .php?t=217 (trying to rip off other people)

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Yeah i noticed that after he posted.

I tought he was just talking about a completly different person , then when he replied I figured out he was talking about him, then when i read the linked forum i was sure, its quite a laugh you guys should read it .

OK after reading at his site , i noticed that there is no way to contact this guy or any of his "teammembers" besides aim or a hotmail adress, which anyone can get , i did a google search on his name too, turned up some pc related forums which on none he could actually show any of his work.


:arrow: LOCKED

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