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Windows xp 64

Guest zimquats

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Any ideas if MTAVC v. 0.4 will be compatable with windows 64?

Im using this OS and its still in beta so there are quite a few compatablity issues, has anyone tried it out with MTAVC?

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lmao, no offense but i'd be suprised if anything past windows apps would run on it yet.

I would imagine though, since most apps are still 32bit, that windows would be able to utilize the same memory structure. Well, either it will, or it'll become a virtual mac software wise :\

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I expect that it would be ok considering that it's been built to run 32-bit apps alongside 64-bit.

Im using this OS and its still in beta so there are quite a few compatablity issues, has anyone tried it out with MTAVC?

Can't you try it, seeing as you have 64-bit XP?

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lmao, no offense but i'd be suprised if anything past windows apps would run on it yet. :\

Alot of game work really well, eg, BF 1942, tribes 2 ect. COD, Planetside ect dont.

~~~Can't you try it, seeing as you have 64-bit XP?~~~

Well here is why im asking. A short time ago my house got broken into, they stole my pimpin rig. They also got all my software cuz i keep it all in zipperd cd cases. The only stuff they didnt get was the stuff at my friends house. Of course VC was in the CD pack so its history. I didnt get very much insurance money for my CD collectiion becuase i couldent really prove that I had much at all.

I cant aford win xp as im trying to replace everything else, so i just dowloaded the 64 bit OS cuz its free. Before i tried to replace VC i thought i would ask if MTAVC was compatable with win 64 because its the only reason i would buy VC now. Otherwise i'll just have to wait.

thx, Shaft

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Well to answer my own question, MTA:VC 0.3r2 runs really nice in Win xp 64 compatablity (x86) mode.

I had to go buy the game, i couldent resist it. There are some pretty bad sound bugs in the the single player GTA:VC, but infact these are totaly gone in MTA:VC.

Cheers to the DEVelopers for creating this beautyful program

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