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Weapon Quality!


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Hmm. Thank you but what is the "poor, std and pro" ?

setWeaponProperty(22, "poor", "weapon_range", 70) 
setWeaponProperty(22, "std", "weapon_range", 70) 
setWeaponProperty(22, "pro", "weapon_range", 70) 


what is the "accuracy" and how to use "accuracy, damage, move_speed, target_range"?

Can you give me example?

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Poor, std (standard) and pro (professional) are weapon skill levels.

The property names are in pure English and there's not much someone can explain better.

Accuracy stands for how well the weapon can hit the target without large spread from the muzzle position.

Damage stands for how much the target receives health loss, which lowers the target's health, obviously.

Move speed stands for how fast you can move with the weapon equipped on you.

Target range stands for how how far you are able to aim an entity at.

You can use these and many other properties by simply changing the third argument of the setWeaponProperty function to whatever property you want to change.

The first argument is for the weapon ID, the second one is for which weapon skill you want to place the stat on, the fourth one is for the property value.

Edited by Guest
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Poor, std (standard) and pro (professional) are weapon skill levels.

The property names are in pure English and there's not much someone can explain better.

Accuracy stands for how well the weapon can hit the target without large spread from the muzzle position.

Damage stands for how much the target receives health loss, which lowers the target's health, obviously.

Move speed stands for how fast you can move with the weapon equipped on you.

Target range stands for how how far you are able to shoot with the weapon.

You can use these and many other properties by simply changing the third argument of the setWeaponProperty function to whatever property you want to change.

The first argument is for the weapon ID, the second one is for which weapon skill you want to place the stat on, the fourth one is for the property value.

Whats the use for the "pro" "std" and "poor" weapon skil llevels?

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