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Danske mta klaner? (Danish mta clans?)


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jeg har lagt mærke til, at danske klaner ikke optræder meget på mta-scenen.

Så jeg ledte efter en klan at slutte mig til, eller eventuelt nogen som er med på at starte en dansk mta klan.

Så kunne vi melde os ind i mta eu leauge, og have nogle spændnende kampe med vores nabolande. :) (hvem ved.. måske tæver vi dem allesammen :P)

(grunden til at de helst skal være danske, er at det bliver en del nemmere på teamspeak. :))

lad mig høre fra jer.. jeg ved i er der.


I've noticed, that danish clans isnt really seen on the mta-scene.

So im looking for a danish clan to join, or to find people who are interrested in starting one.

Then we could join the mta-euleauge, and have some good games with our neighbour-countries :) (who knows, maybe even beat the cr*p outta them all :P)

(the reason that i prefer danes, is that it makes things alot easier on teamspeak :))

Lemme hear from you.. i know youre there.

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Actually there is 1 danish server, a few months back there were 3.

Yes there are danes around but those who have reached the first level of experience are already taken. FMJ, VCES and INXS have danes in them.

I like the idea of having a danish gang around but I believe it cant be done.

I suggest you try and join one of the above gangs instead - if they want you.

Ps. What is with the writing in danish ? You are going to make it look like danes are too stupid to understand english :lol:

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well as tehre is no server in denmark i guess it wil be hard to find a clan with only danish ppl :roll:

i see small clans run around. But its usually the same story, with 2-3 guys sitting on LAN.. Same deal with the servers.

Just thought i might be lucky, that some of them actually might be small serious clans.

I suggest you try and join one of the above gangs instead - if they want you.

Ps. What is with the writing in danish ? You are going to make it look like danes are too stupid to understand english :lol:

i wanted to avoid joining other clans from other countries, because i want to see a danish clan on the mta-euleauge.com - But if my search fails, i'll give it a shot on another clan.

The stupid danes thing: you would actually be surprised, if you knew how many danes that suck at english, even tho' they come on english boards. :P

But apart from that, i did it for the feeling of it, if you know what i mean. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, did you get a danish gang going ?

you would actually be surprised, if you knew how many danes that suck at english, even tho' they come on english boards.

Never experienced that. Sounds more like germans to me.

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