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DA is splitting


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The reason to DA splitting is as follows:

=DA= leader HwdTHUG was original leader to DA clan.

Recently =DA=RENEGADE another leader to the DA clan was recruiting anybody and was acting head leader in DA. HwdTHUG was very angry at this and decided to split, Nikateen,Mexico,Drake chose to follow with him to make a new clan. If DA survives this devastation =DA=Phuck another leader of DA will take over and most proberly =DA=RENEGADE will too.

I will post as new news comes.

Cheers, Former =DA=Drake

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Dame this sucks. I think you guys should judt give REN a breaK, I never see thug around, and Phuck is thier someitmes. I don't see why each leader can't recruit people and stuff. You guys should come back to DA. Please don't make it splitt up. Because if it does, mostly every body will leave. I know i will. :cry::oops::cry::(

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Well i'm sorry to hear about this. What a shame. I don't know who these "ordinary, useless" DA members are, that you are referring to. The last few people to be recruited, including myself, are pretty active.

Oh well, good luck to HwdTHUGz, Nikateen, Mexico, and Drake. Have fun.

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I will not name the people, as it is private. The people i was referring to are people that RENEGADE had recruited in different time spans, i was not referring to recent recruits. These ordinary people are members that have very low elite skill. I am aware that recent recruits were very well cosen.

Email me: [email protected]

cheers, Former =DA=Drake

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RENEGADE had started to believe he was leader of DA clan, as is the reason hwdTHUG left. He was not happy of the way things were shaping up in DA clan. hwdTHUG has taken 3 DA members with him to make a new clan of his own: Nikateen,Mexico and Drake. hwdTHUG wouldent be able to kick RENEGADE as he was one DA's leaders.

Email me: [email protected]

cheers, Former =DA= Drake

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RENEGADE had started to believe he was leader of DA clan, as is the reason hwdTHUG left.

according to you guys he WAS a leader





so what is this? you expected him to sit back and do nothing?

quiting because an issue couldnt be resolved is one thing. but splitting without talking to him first is rediculous

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ULK DeathB,

These points you have raised are intresting, yet i have answers.

HwdTHUGz was the original and most devoted out of the leader group. =DA=RENEGADE was later put on as leader of DA, hwdTHUGz thought that he had more authority than RENEGADE did. He also found that RENEGADE was doing a bad job of being a leader. hwdTHUGz had no choice but to leave, he couldnt kick him as he was a DA leader and there would be debate.

Email me: [email protected]

cheers, Former =DA= DrAke

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the last i checked da was started by three people, phuk/ren/hwdthug

so what is it that gives hwdthug more seniority over everybody else?

hwdthug thought he had more authority then anybody else? sure he helped da out from the getgo and made sure that it survived but i dont know how that makes him any more of a qualified leader then the other two. if he truly deserved his "seniority" then he wouldnt have had to split to get it, the members would have given it to him as a whole

renegade was acting like a bad leader? this could have been resolved very easily. no leader is perfect, and renegade recruiting what now appear to be "n00bs" could be your best chance at becoming one of the best gangs in mta. your not just going to pickup members that own right off the bat

i dont agree with this split because i saw you guys as a gang that looked like it had a future beyond the usual 3 month timeline. if you guys really think this split is necesary then its obviously not my place to say dont... but i would think that you should try and make it work

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Please lock this thread until one of the DA leaders responds in a post.

To my knowledge =DA=HwDThuG, =DA=RENEGADE, and =DA=Phuk have not officially even mentioned a split. Also, Mexico and Nikateen have not mentioned that they are leaving DA.

Have a good day.

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I agree with Death. i think it was stupid of Thug to do this. Ren was the best leader we had. All thug did was get a server and webpage. I could have don'e that easly. I never seen him achelay playing. If ren wants to recruit n00bs, let him. If they are still n00bs in a week. Kick them. I never seen a bad DA player yet. I think thug did a worse job that REN. Ren helped out, organised clan mtaches, did 95% of the recruiting, Thug got a shitty webpage(no offense) and a 12 person server. Phuk did nothing realy, just played. I think it was a poor idea. If REn wants to keep DA going, I might be able to get a server, and can get a webpage. If REN still wants too, I'll help him keep it going. Mabe Thug, Nikateen, and mexico left, but DA is sytill here. So don't say lame ass comments about it splitting up. Say a leader left becasue he did nothing.

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ULK DeathB,

=DA=RENEGADE was a leader in the DA clan, true. Not all members that RENEGADE was recruiting were noobs, all leaders occasionally got a couple of bad recruits, as it is natural. Yet what hwdTHUG was angry about was that RENEGADE was taking it upon himself to do all the recruiting, not sharing it out, and by this action he recruited worthless and underskilled people. If there was to be a debate it wouldeve ended in the same scenario. RENEGADE thought that he owned a part of DA so did hwdTHUGz, if there were to be a debate it might've split into to two once again.

Email me: [email protected]

cheers, Fomer =DA=DrAke

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ULK DeathB,

=DA=RENEGADE was a leader in the DA clan, true. Not all members that RENEGADE was recruiting were noobs, all leaders occasionally got a couple of bad recruits, as it is natural. Yet what hwdTHUG was angry about was that RENEGADE was taking it upon himself to do all the recruiting, not sharing it out, and by this action he recruited worthless and underskilled people. If there was to be a debate it wouldeve ended in the same scenario. RENEGADE thought that he owned a part of DA so did hwdTHUGz, if there were to be a debate it might've split into to two once again.

Email me: [email protected]

cheers, Fomer =DA=DrAke

so what your saying is that ren didnt share the recruiting job?

thats a joke man im sorry. but if you have the powers to recruit you dont need to ask the permision of the other leaders to recruit someone (as im sure ren didnt ask thug permision to be able to recruit any of the people he recruited)

renegade and hwd being respected from different people is natural. that is what happens when you have multiple leaders, and should have been forseen

if hwd wants all the glory and respect for himself, then he probably should just simply split now. but 3 leaders = 3 people who need to work together

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