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Problem in Ban , Mute


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I have this resource for Ban,Mute And Show reason but i have problem

I use /action 1 Name Minutes

I see Player Has been muted Time Reason : !!!

But when he press T He can talk and Ban too

I used Debug script 3 i see SetPlayerMuted Problem can some one fix this

This is the Script :

local serialMute = { }

function doAction(thePlayer, cmd, actionId, playername, arg3, arg4)

if actionId then

local actionId = tonumber(actionId) --forgot this line

local player = getPlayerFromName(playername or "")

--local player = getPlayerFromNamePart ( player )

if player then

if actionId == 1 then

local duration = (tonumber(arg3) or 0) * 60

local reason = ""

banPlayer(player, true, true, true, thePlayer, reason, duration)

outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." #FF0000has been banned. #FFFFFF [RULE #1:Reputation hated(ban)]", root, 255, 255, 255, true)

elseif actionId == 2 then

local duration = (tonumber(arg3) or 0) * 60 * 1000

setPlayerMuted(player, true)

outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." #FF0000has been muted for "..tostring(arg3).." mins. #FFFFFF [RULE #2:Advertising (mute)]", root, 255, 255, 255, true)

local timer = setTimer ( unmute, duration, 1, player )

serialMute [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] = { duration, timer }

elseif actionId == 3 then

local duration = (tonumber(arg3) or 0) * 60

local reason = ""

banPlayer(player, true, true, true, thePlayer, reason, duration)

outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." #FF0000has been banned. #FFFFFF [RULE #3:Hacking/Abusing(ban)]", root, 255, 255, 255, true)


outputChatBox("Wrong Action id.",thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)



outputChatBox("Could not find the player.",thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)



outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /action [id] [victim] [duration]",thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)



addCommandHandler("action", doAction)

function onJoin ()

local serial = getPlayerSerial(source)

local muted = serialMute [ serial ]

if ( type ( muted ) == "table" ) then

if ( muted [ 1 ] ) then

setPlayerMuted ( source, true )

local timer = setTimer ( unMute, muted [ 1 ], 1, source )

serialMute [ serial ] [ 2 ] = timer




setPlayerMuted ( source, false )


addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onJoin )

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root,

function ( )

local serial = getPlayerSerial ( source )

local muted = serialMute [ serial ]

if ( type ( muted ) == "table" ) then

if isTimer ( muted [ 2 ] ) then

local timeLeft = getTimerDetails ( muted [ 2 ] )

killTimer ( muted [ 2 ] )

serialMute [ serial ] [ 1 ] = timeLeft





function unmute ( thePlayer )

if isElement ( thePlayer ) then

setPlayerMuted ( thePlayer, false )

serialMute [ getPlayerSerial ( thePlayer ) ] = nil

outputChatBox ( "You have been unmuted.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 100 )



function getPlayerFromNamePart(name)

if name then

for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do

if string.find(getPlayerName(player):lower(), tostring(name):lower(), 1, true) then

return player




return false


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its not taked or stoled

Please.Don't lie.

You've stoled it from Server named Grafuroam.

I don't think that's the case, if I'm correct, he took it from this topic: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=71604


he has even same rule text in his script as it is in grafuroam.

he stole lots of scripts from grafuroam,and its grafu's fault but still he cannot(spider) post leaked scripts on this forum as its breaking a rule i think.

check spider's server thread(s) which got locked.they got locked because of fighting if i remember correctly,and it's because he stole the scripts.

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Why me there are 3 Cloned Servers OMG Spider-Roam , Zied-Roam , Asseria-Roam

See.You stole client files from Grafuroam,and then they stole your stolen scripts cause it wasnt protected at all.

all you 3 got stoled scripts,we can't do anything about it,but you cant post leaked scripts on this forum.

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-_- i didnot Stole I made like it


you are saying that you've "made" this script?

this leaked script is more complicated to make than solving your problem with leaked script.You cannot fix it by yourself,because you didn't make this script.It was originally made by Grafu, the owner of Grafuroam.

Please stop lying,and can some moderator lock this topic and remove the code from spider's post?

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if actionId == 1 then

local duration = (tonumber(arg3) or 0) * 60

local reason = ""

banPlayer(player, true, true, true, thePlayer, reason, duration)

outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." #FF0000has been banned. #FFFFFF [RULE #1:Reputation hated(ban)]", root, 255, 255, 255, true)

elseif actionId == 2 then

This is not leaked. Some guy tried recreating the script :P My scripts look sexier :BIG:

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