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Ah, I get it now.

Then if I were you, I'd probably use the File functions;

fileCreate -- Create a file, for example GangInfo.txt 
fileOpen  -- Open it 
fileWrite -- Write the text to it 
fileClose -- Close the file (This automatically saves it) 
fileRead -- Use this to read the file, and put the text into the memo. (Needs fileOpen) 

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WASSIm i know how to make that things. I WANT TO SAVE A MEMO FOR GANG. Gang information. :o someone can help me? WASSIm u noob. You are giving negative reply. If you want to help me just tell how to save it.

if you want help respect please and i will not help you and is better if anyone don't help you

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Dealman, if he already has a group system that uses SQL then why would he store it inside files?

I believe it would be more efficient to just have a server-side text file for it, rather than having to pull it from the database.

That said, there are more than one way to accomplish what he wants. I simply put out one way of doing it, and the way I would have done it.

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SQL is the best but anyway I'm too lazy to write examples from my mobile So I found a script in one pf my old post:

local mesg = ""  
function (thePlayer,_,msg)  
local time = getRealTime() 
    local hours = time.hour 
    local minutes = time.minute 
mesg = mesg.." [:"..hours..":"..minutes.."] "..getPlayerName ( thePlayer )..": "..msg 
function LogTimer () 
if mesg ~= "" then 
File = fileOpen ("logs.txt") 
if File then 
fileWrite (File, mesg ) 
fileCreate ("logs.txt") 
File = fileOpen ("logs.txt")  
fileWrite (File, mesg ) 
fileClose (File)  
mesg = "" 
setTimer (LogTimer, 30000, 0 )   

I haven't tested This but I hope this will help you.

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