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Hi guys,

What do you think about this function:

bool setVoiceVolume (element thePlayer,float volume ) 

thePlayer -> The player who's voice volume will be set

volume -> A floating point number representing the desired players voice volume level. Range is from 0.0 to 1.0 (0 to 100%)

It would be pretty good to make 3D voice chats(make it smoother when a player walks nearby it), is this already suggested or what (i'm writing this via my ipod)

Would you like to see such thing?

Kindly regards,


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Late post I hadn't really time for test it etc.,

Hehe, thanks guys, I didn't know it because the wiki wasn't 100% clear. The wiki says under "setSoundVolume" : theSound: The sound element which volume you want to modify. And if you look at the elements(https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element) and then under sound (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element/Sound):

The sound element represents a custom sound sent to the client via the use of the file parameter inside the meta file and created either by playSound or playSound3D.

A sound element is created using playSound3D or playSound and can be manipulated with the following element functions:.



Sound elements can also be manipulated using the other Client audio functions.

The element type of this class is "sound".

So theres nothing about voicechat in it, but thanks anyways.

Testing "divbox=", awesome hexcodes works xD



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