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DD Rank - Give Money


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I've this: onPlayerFinishDD

There I get the rank of the player. (Position when he died)

I want to give some money to the player according to the position(rank) and the number of players online in the server.

But I cannot find a good formula...

Can someone here give me a hand with that? It really requires creativity :lol:

PD: Also onPlayerWinDD


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I've this: onPlayerFinishDD

There I get the rank of the player. (Position when he died)

Are you sure that onPlayerFinishDD is triggered when someone dies ??

I would say onPlayerRaceWasted when a player dies

He probably has a custom game-mode. He is looking for a math formula, not to fix his script.

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No, yes Citizen.

I've been developing this for like 1 month. And onPlayerFinishDD triggers when:

Someone dies (exept when the winner of the match dies)

When a player quits

I think it's more efficient for DD. Because in every server of DD where they have kills script, for example if u kill a player but he quits before dying, u would not get the kill.

But using this event (onPlayerFinishDD) u would not have that 'error'/bug.

@Madex: I will think about more options for the formula.

I have this info (money gained per event)

Kill = 15

Ast.Kill = 10

+1 Min Playtime = 5

I'd need to 'adjust' the money gained by finishing the match in a certain position, so that it's more than 15..

If you have any idea just write it down, It'd be appreciated

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I need to find the formula that gives me what I want. Which is the following:

With 5 players in server:

Rank 1 = $ 15

Rank 2 = $ 11

Rank 3 = $ 8

Rank 4 = $ 6

Rank 5 = $ 5

Do you notice the pattern?

- Last rank will get the amount of cash corresponding to the players in the server. Then the upper rank will get the former rank's amount of cash + the number of positions climbed... Let me explain graphically because It's kinda confusing using words.

Read this from the bottom to the top:

Rank 1 = $ 11+4 = $ 15

Rank 2 = $ 8+3 = $ 11

Rank 3 = $ 6+2 = $ 8

Rank 4 = $ 5+1 = $ 6

Rank 5 = $ 5

I need to find out a formula for that.. Can you help me? :roll:

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I need to find the formula that gives me what I want. Which is the following:

Read this from the bottom to the top:

Rank 1 = $ 11+4 = $ 15

Rank 2 = $ 8+3 = $ 11

Rank 3 = $ 6+2 = $ 8

Rank 4 = $ 5+1 = $ 6

Rank 5 = $ 5

I need to find out a formula for that.. Can you help me? :roll:

We can see that

Rank 1 - Rank 2 = 4

Rank 2 - Rank 3 = 3

Rank 3 - Rank 4 = 2

etc, so the difference is one less for each rank

(not tested)

local playersAtStartOfRound = 5 
-- Highest rank should be rank 1, while lowest being = playersAtStartOfRound 
function getCashByRank(rank) 
    local rankDiff = (playersAtStartOfRound - 1) - (rank - 1) 
    -- n * (n + 1) / 2 = sum equation 
    return playersAtStartOfRound + (rankDiff * (rankDiff + 1) / 2) 

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Thanks arezu-

I had done it this way. But yours is obviously more efficient.

function refreshMoneyToGive () 
    for i = 1, #moneyToGiveTable do 
        table.remove(moneyToGiveTable, i) 
    local amount = currentPlayerCount 
    local increase = 0 
    for i = currentPlayerCount, 1, -1 do 
        amount = amount + increase 
        moneyToGiveTable[i] = amount 
        increase = increase + 1 

And then I just took the money to give like this: moneyToGive[rank]

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