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Do you mean the Rectangle only or the Score's too ?

For the dxDrawRectangle --> there's an example in the wiki.

For everything , the 2 teams their deaths the time and the score.

Yes i seen but i really no understand the wiki :/ so i asked here if someone can tell me something better about it or give me an extample.

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For this type of script you will need to use both sides (client,server), for client it's easy as you won't need timers if you're using dx functions (dxDrawText,dxDrawRectange), of course to make it visible you need events (onClientRender,onClientPreRender), for the server side you will need to create your own system of saving stats on how many people were killed, and I assume it is going to be used in a team-death match server, so you will need to get peoples teams when they kill someone then trigger it to client side to display it, or save it for later use (for example: when the match ends, the scores are shown).

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For this type of script you will need to use both sides (client,server), for client it's easy as you won't need timers if you're using dx functions (dxDrawText,dxDrawRectange), of course to make it visible you need events (onClientRender,onClientPreRender), for the server side you will need to create your own system of saving stats on how many people were killed, and I assume it is going to be used in a team-death match server, so you will need to get peoples teams when they kill someone then trigger it to client side to display it, or save it for later use (for example: when the match ends, the scores are shown).

sounds hard but I'll try it , i understand it now :)


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