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Convert Playtime in ms to DD:HH:MM


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I've been told MTA has a function to output the time format from ms (Obtained by getTickCount()).

However I canno't find it

How to turn those ms into Days:Hours:Mins format?

Also, how can I refresh that time each minute that the player is in the server? Maybe a timer in a client-side script?


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You can use the below code to format milliseconds to days, hours, minutes and seconds.

function formatMilliseconds(milliseconds) 
    local totalseconds = math.floor( milliseconds / 1000 ) 
    milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000 
    local seconds = totalseconds % 60 
    local minutes = math.floor( totalseconds / 60 ) 
    local hours = math.floor( minutes / 60 ) 
    local days = math.floor( hours / 24 ) 
    minutes = minutes % 60 
    hours = hours % 24 
    return string.format( "%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds )   

You can use a timer so, that it goes through all the players at once, so that you won't have to define a timer on each player. Of course making it client-side would reduce any server-side lag, so I suppose you can use a timer. You can also use getTickCount do that, so it's up to you.

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I made this code by myself, it does the same thing (format ms)

function () 
local days = 0 
local hours = 0 
local mins = 0 
local secs = 0 
local playTime = --getSQLDatum() 
while playTime >= 1000 do 
    if playTime >= 86400000 then 
        days = days + 1 
        playTime = playTime - 86400000 
    elseif playTime >= 3600000 then 
        hours = hours + 1 
        playTime = playTime - 3600000 
    elseif playTime >= 60000 then 
        mins = mins + 1 
        playTime = playTime - 60000 
    elseif playTime >= 1000 then 
        secs = secs + 1 
        playTime = playTime - 1000 
outputChatBox(days.."D, "..hours.."H, "..mins.."M, "..secs.."S.") 

But I still don't really know how to refresh/update the time spent on server for a player each passed minute.

I'm thinking about making a function that calls itself; for example, client-side (For avoiding a table containing timers and some other stuff)

addEvent("onClientPlayerLogin", true) -- I will trigger this event with onPlayerLogin in the server-side file. 
function startTimer() 
  setTimer(checkTimePlayed, 60000, 1) 
  loginTime = getTickCount() 
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerLogin", root, startTimer) 
function checkTimePlayed () 
  local currentTime = getTickCount() 
  local playTime = -- I will manage to get the playtime stored in the SQL db 
  local newTime = currentTime - loginTime 
  local finalTime = playTime + newTime 
  -- updateSQL (I will call a server function to update the SQL column with the new value (finalTime)) 
  -- This is what I mean; to set a timer that calls the same function each minute. 
  setTimer(checkTimePlayed, 60000, 1) 

Would that work?

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