Leonard.DC Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 Hi, i have a turf system vinculed with a gang system, But when i start the script, The turfs doesn't appears, I pressed F11 and i didn't saw any turfing zone why???? The fully turf script: sql = { Query = executeSQLQuery }; -- W = Ancho H= Alto addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() sql.Query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Gang_truf (\ ID INTEGER, X REAL, Y REAL, W REAL,\ H REAL, Gang STRING, R ,\ G , B , sX REAL, sY REAL, sZ REAL )" ) setTimer (TiempoDeTrufs, 50000, 0) local t = sql.Query( "SELECT * FROM Gang_truf" ) for i = 1, #t do createTruf( t[i].ID, t[i].X, t[i].Y, t[i].W, t[i].H, t[i].Gang, t[i].R, t[i].G, t[i].B, t[i].sX, t[i].sY, t[i].sZ ) end end ) function setDark (src) if isPlayerInTeam (src, "Staff DA") then local t = sql.Query( "SELECT * FROM Gang_truf" ) for i = 1, #t do setDarkTurf( t[i].ID, t[i].Gang) end end end addCommandHandler ("resetearturf", setDark) function setDarkTurf (ID, gang) if tostring(gang) ~= "" then sql.Query( "UPDATE Gang_truf SET Gang = '', R = '255', G = '255', B = '255' WHERE ID = '"..tonumber(ID).."'" ); end end function createTruf (ID, x, y, w, h, gang, r, g, b, sX, sY, sZ) Truf = createRadarArea (x, y, w, h, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), 150) Cols = createColRectangle (x, y, w, h) setElementData (Cols, "GangTruf", {ID, gang, Truf}) setElementData (Cols, "GangSpawn", {sX, sY, sZ}) setElementData (Cols, "Probocacion", 0) setElementData (Cols, "EstatusT", "Nada") setElementData (Cols, "GangtersOn", 0) setElementData (Cols, "GangDefensa", 0) setElementData (Cols, "TurfAbandonada", 0) addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", Cols, function (player) if getElementType (player) == "player" then local GangTruf = getElementData (source, "GangTruf")[2] local MyGang = getElementData (player, "Clan") setElementData (player, "EnTruf", getElementData(source, "GangTruf")[1]) if MyGang ~= "" then if GangTruf then triggerClientEvent (player, "ComprobacionPiso", player) end else outputChatBox ("Debes tener un Clan para iniciar una guerra de territorios (Turf)",player,255,255,255) end end end ) addEventHandler ("onColShapeLeave", Cols, function (player) if getElementType (player) == "player" then setElementData (player, "EnTruf", nil) if getElementData (player, "EnGuerra") == true then if getElementData (source, "Atacante") == getElementData (player, "Clan") then setElementData (source, "GangtersOn", tonumber(getElementData (source, "GangtersOn"))-1) setElementData (player, "EnGuerra", false) end end if getElementData (player, "EnDefensa") == true then if getElementData (source, "GangTruf")[2] == getElementData (player, "Clan") then setElementData (source, "GangDefensa", tonumber(getElementData (source, "GangDefensa"))-1) setElementData (player, "EnDefensa", false) end end end end) end function iniciarCuenta () local truf = getTrufByID (getElementData (source, "EnTruf")) local gang = getElementData (source, "Clan") if truf then if isPlayerInTeam (source, "Criminal") or isPlayerInTeam (source, "Gangsters") then local GangTruf = getElementData (truf, "GangTruf")[2] if gang ~= GangTruf then outputChatBox ("Actualmente este territorio es de "..GangTruf.." Quedate en la zona para iniciar una guerra de territorios",source,255,255,255) else setElementData (source, "EnDefensa", true) setElementData (truf, "GangDefensa", tonumber(getElementData(truf,"GangDefensa"))+1) if getElementData (truf, "Probocacion") > 0 then outputChatBox ("Este Territorio es de tu Clan pero fue atacado | Fuerza: "..getElementData(truf, "Probocacion").."/10 - ["..getElementData (truf, "Atacante").."]"..getElementData (truf, "GangtersOn").." Vs "..getElementData (truf, "GangDefensa").."["..GangTruf.."].",source,255,255,255) else outputChatBox ("Este Territorio pertenece a Tu Clan.",source,255,255,255) end end if getElementData (truf, "EstatusT") == "Nada" then if gang ~= GangTruf then setElementData (truf, "EstatusT", "Iniciando") setElementData (truf, "Atacante", gang) setElementData (source, "EnGuerra", true) end end if getElementData (truf, "EstatusT") == "Iniciando" or getElementData (truf, "EstatusT") == "Atacando" then if gang == getElementData (truf, "Atacante") then setElementData (truf, "GangtersOn", tonumber(getElementData (truf, "GangtersOn"))+1) setElementData (source, "EnGuerra", true) outputChatBox ("Tu Clan esta en Guerra Con este Terretorio | Fuerza: "..getElementData(truf, "Probocacion").."/10 - ["..getElementData (truf, "Atacante").."]"..getElementData (truf, "GangtersOn").." Vs "..getElementData (truf, "GangDefensa").."["..GangTruf.."].",source,255,255,255) else if gang ~= GangTruf then if tonumber(getElementData(truf, "GangtersOn")) == 0 then if getElementData (truf, "EstatusT") == "Iniciando" then setElementData (truf, "Atacante", gang) setElementData (source, "EnGuerra", true) setElementData (truf, "GangtersOn", tonumber(getElementData (truf, "GangtersOn"))+1) else outputChatBox ("Este Territorio esta en Guerra con otra Clan",source,255,255,255) end else outputChatBox ("Este Territorio esta en Guerra con otra Clan",source,255,255,255) end end end end else if gang == "Elite" or gang == "SWAT" or gang == "PDI" then outputChatBox ("Para Iniciar una Guerra nesesitas ser Criminal o Gangster",source,255,0,0) end end end end addEvent ("SiEstaEnPiso", true) addEventHandler ("SiEstaEnPiso", root, iniciarCuenta) function TiempoDeTrufs () for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'colshape', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'GangTruf' ) then local p = getElementsWithinColShape (v, "player") local id = getElementData(v, "GangTruf")[1] local viejoMandato = getElementData (v, "GangTruf")[2] local rad = getElementData(v, "GangTruf")[3] local ata = getElementData (v, "Atacante") if getElementData (v, "Probocacion") <= -1 then setElementData (v, "EstatusT", "Nada") setElementData (v, "Atacante", "") setElementData (v, "TurfAbandonada", 2) end if getElementData (v, "EstatusT") == "Iniciando" then setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, false) if tonumber(getElementData (v, "GangtersOn")) >= tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangDefensa")) then setElementData (v, "Probocacion", tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion"))+tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangtersOn"))) for k, players in ipairs (p) do if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(ata) then if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) < 11 then outputChatBox ("Tiempo para Iniciar la Guerra: "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) elseif tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) >= 11 then outputChatBox ("Iniciaste una Guerra Por Este Territorio",players,255,255,0) end end if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then outputChatBox ("Te Estan Ganando Este Territorio... Tiempo "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) end end if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) >= 10 then setElementData (v, "EstatusT", "Atacando") setElementData (v, "Probocacion", 0) setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, true) for k, players in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then outputChatBox ("El Clan "..ata.." Esta Atacando uno de tus Territorios!",players,255,255,255) end end end elseif tonumber(getElementData (v, "GangDefensa")) > tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangtersOn")) then setElementData (v, "Probocacion", tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion"))-tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangDefensa"))) for k, players in ipairs (p) do if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then outputChatBox ("Estas Defendiendo bien este Territorio! Tiempo - "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) end if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(ata) then outputChatBox ("Tu Clan Va Perdiendo Este Territorio... Tiempo - "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) end end if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) <= 0 then setElementData (v, "EstatusT", "Nada") setElementData (v, "Probocacion", 0) setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, false) for k, players in ipairs (p) do if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(ata) then outputChatBox ("el Clan Dueño del Territorio Defindio Vuestro Ataque, MISION FRACASADA!",players,255,255,255) end if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then outputChatBox ("Defendiste Correctamente Este Territorio, Buen Trabajo!!",players,255,255,255) end end end end elseif getElementData (v, "EstatusT") == "Atacando" then setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, true) if tonumber(getElementData (v, "GangtersOn")) == 0 and tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangDefensa")) == 0 then setElementData (v, "TurfAbandonada", getElementData(v, "TurfAbandonada")+1) if tonumber(getElementData(v, "TurfAbandonada")) == 12 then setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, false) setElementData (v, "EstatusT", "Nada") setElementData (v, "Atacante", "") setElementData (v, "TurfAbandonada", 0) end else setElementData (v, "TurfAbandonada", 0) end if tonumber(getElementData (v, "GangtersOn")) >= tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangDefensa")) then setElementData (v, "Probocacion", tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion"))+tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangtersOn"))) for k, players in ipairs (p) do outputChatBox ("El Clan Atacante ("..ata..") Va Ganando Este Territorio! ("..getElementData (v, "GangtersOn").." Vs "..getElementData(v, "GangDefensa")..") - Tiempo: "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(ata) then if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) > 10 then outputChatBox ("Felicidades, Habeis Ganado la Guerra del Territorio! MISION CUMPLIDA",players,255,255,0) givePlayerMoney (players, 2000) --$2000 setElementData (players, "EnGuerra", false) setElementData (players, "EnDefensa", false) setElementData (players, "display_money", "2000") setElementData (players, "display_respeto", "1") setPedStat (players, 64, getPedStat (players, 64)+1) triggerClientEvent (players, "dx", players) triggerClientEvent (players, "dxr2", players) end end end elseif tonumber(getElementData (v, "GangDefensa")) > tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangtersOn")) then setElementData (v, "Probocacion", tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion"))-tonumber(getElementData(v, "GangDefensa"))) for k, players in ipairs (p) do outputChatBox ("El Clan Defensor ("..viejoMandato..") Va Ganando Este Territorio! ("..getElementData (v, "GangDefensa").." Vs "..getElementData(v, "GangtersOn")..") - Tiempo: "..getElementData(v, "Probocacion").."/10.",players,255,255,255) if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then givePlayerMoney (players, 100) if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) <= 0 then setRadarAreaFlashing (rad, false) setElementData (players, "EnGuerra", false) setElementData (players, "EnDefensa", false) outputChatBox ("Felicidades, Defendisteis Vuestro Territorio Con Exito!",players,255,255,0) end end end if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) == 0 then setElementData (v, "EstatusT", "Nada") setElementData (v, "Probocacion", 0) setElementData (v, "GangtersOn", 0) setElementData (v, "GangDefensa", 0) end end if tonumber(getElementData(v, "Probocacion")) > 10 then for k, players in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (players, "Clan") == tostring(viejoMandato) then Link to comment
TAPL Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 I can't see where is the turf positions and color and these info been inserted into the database. Link to comment
Leonard.DC Posted January 31, 2014 Author Share Posted January 31, 2014 This is maked by my friend that say me to post the last problem here, can you say me why it doesn't work or fix it please Link to comment
TAPL Posted January 31, 2014 Share Posted January 31, 2014 This is maked by my friend that say me to post the last problem here, can you say me why it doesn't work or fix it please What are you talking about? I told you there is no positions INSERTED INTO THE DATABASE, what part you can't understand? Link to comment
Leonard.DC Posted January 31, 2014 Author Share Posted January 31, 2014 This is maked by my friend that say me to post the last problem here, can you say me why it doesn't work or fix it please What are you talking about? I told you there is no positions INSERTED INTO THE DATABASE, what part you can't understand? And how to insert the data to the database? Link to comment
Tomas Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Stolen script, bad luck TIGREBLANCO. Link to comment
xeon17 Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Post by Leonard.DC on 30 Jan 2014, 05:14 Link to comment
Leonard.DC Posted October 8, 2014 Author Share Posted October 8, 2014 Stolen script, bad luck TIGREBLANCO. Tigreblanco? Wtf??? Link to comment
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