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[WIP] CSWP - Community Shader & Weather Pack (OpenSource)


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Hi guys,

today i present you a project im working since a few month (not daily, but very often). It was started as i began to make experiments with HLSL shaders in MTA:SA last year. Cause i´m not the best scripter (i can create all i want, but there will be some more better ways, i think) and stuck on a lot of little issue i released this project on GitHub in september last year under GPLv3 license so everyone can be a part of this project. In last weeks this project was sleeping a bit, but i restarted to work on it last month. Old code was complete rewritten in OOP and all shaders was improved, so it is complete new code base which should be a good starting point to create really amazing stuff now. Additional this project adding new weather system (like game S.T.A.L.K.E.R) into MTA:SA. Weathersystem is not finished but works for the moment, including soft weather state changes. (Stormy weather and thunderbolts will readded next days, not finished after code was rewritten)

Ok, what is it?

It isnt a resource which you can use on your own servers (you can, but isnt very playable yet). It is a HLSL shader playground for MTA:SA. My intention is to create the best possible shaders for the community with the community. Everybody who has experience in HLSL or good OOP LUA knowledge can join here and be a part of that project.

CSWP is open source, so you can use it or any parts of it for your own projects too. For free! No needed permissions! But only for NON COMMERCIAL projects. This is the only rule you have to accept.

A really big big thanks we have to say to "Ren_172". He is the guy who ever i had a question i got a professional answer. "Ren_172" was helping so much with his knowledge or his own really awesome shader resources. A lot of stuff inside CSWP exist only by help of Ren! Thanks, Bro. :D

What´s CSWP including yet?

- full dynamic weather with 120 weather presets (5 types of weather for each full hour)

- soft weather state changing

- dynamic ambient light shader to simulate movable sun, including bump mapping and roadshine elements

- dynamic skybox shader with soft skytexture fading and shadered sun object

- complete new water shader with realtime skybox reflections

- experimental vehicle shader including dynamic light and realtime skybox reflections

- glass shader for a lot of glass objects in the world including realtime skybox reflections

- real sunshafts/godray shader based on suncolor and direction

- simple grass shader to tint ambient light and disable vanilla alpha

- debug menu (Key "F2")

- shader panel (Key "F3")

Each shader is configurable in shader panel, so you can test settings in realtime!


- realtime shadows (help needed)

- including my dynamic light resource:

(will be done next days)

- weather improvements

- performance improvements

Where to find source or informations?

Developers can get latest build here: https://github.com/Samake/cswp

Community Release: When its done!

Developer-Gallery: http://gallery.samake-gaming.de/#!album-0

Developer-Video´s: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxCZkyH2RcuHjNsrwWL2HPA

Some Media? Sure!



CSWP Shaders




CSWP Shaders




CSWP Shaders




CSWP Shaders




CSWP Shaders




CSWP Shaders







This project/resource is in a really pre alpha state. There will be a lot of fps drops if you arent own a gaming pc. I got around 30 - 50 fps on a i7 Laptop with GeForce 640GTM. Dont use it on your public servers at the moment! Its only useful for developers yet.

If you want help and has required knowledge, then feel free to join CSWP, grab your own copy and commit your work. You can contact me via PN in that forum, but i ignore questions not related to CSWP. I wont work for other projects or bind me or this project on a special server!

Have a nice day/good night,

Your Sam@ke :oops:

PS: Sorry for my english language skills!

Edited by Guest
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Hello Guys,

thanks for all of your replies. Be patient with most of that stuff, cause its really in a very first alpha state, so dont use it on your official servers. There will be a possibility that a lot of clients cant play on your servers cause low fps then.

In last days there was a lot of updates so have a look on github immedately to get the latest built. Current build is: v2c61Alpha




CSWP Shaders


New Features:

- Improved Shader Panel:

-> all shaders can resetted now

-> all shader settings were saved to an XML file now

-> each shader can be enabled/disabled

-> all shaders can be enabled/disabled

-> some improvements for each shader setting

-> time and weather can be set and frozen now in shader panel

- reworked vehicle shader

- improved grass shader

- improved weather settings table for more realistic light

- added bloom shader (not as single shader, is integrated in image quality)

- added dof shader (very first state) (types: dof and tiltshift)

- improved dynamic light shader

- readded thunderstorms to stormy weather (including sounds and thunderbolt effect on all objects)

... and so on!

Download latest source:


There will be possible bugs, you can report here or on github if you want. Remember, you can be a part of this! It is all for free for everyone. You can work on this source or you can fork your own one and create your own builds! All is allowed if its non commercial!

Thank you very much if there are questions then send me a PN!



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  • 3 months later...

Appart from the obvious fixes and so on so it consume less CPU (didn't test yet, but if you say it consumes, I guess it does), you should add a weather per zone option divided in following zones:

-Los Santos

-San Fierro

-Las Venturas

-Tierra Robada

-Bone County

-Red County

-Flint County


Using the real time of their current zones

And let us change it too.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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