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[HELP] About the protection of server


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Is that is possible to protect my unique server (files, scripts, resources)?

I know that I can make a script, which could delete all downloaded files as I know that I can code them, but...

Is this is possible to get a protection from MTA:SA creators. For example, when I see that in somebody's server are my (some) created scripts, I can report it to somebody who are responsible for my protection. My protectors comes to that server, see is that is real and down their server or warn them and order to delete that files?

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however even if you report to mtasa , i really think they wont be able to do anything with that , because mtasa dont host servers , you should probably contact the company that server is hosted from it

and make sure always to compile your scripts .

Note : even complied files can be hacked too and they can get the orginial scripts

so you should always be careful

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