Ice_Cool Posted December 24, 2013 Share Posted December 24, 2013 Hello! I am currently Learning MTA:SA scripting. Basically i wrote login panel script and tried run it but login window can not disable on my screen it's work fine from console But it's work fine if i copy those codes and past in notebook++ and try.... ... ng_the_GUI here's the link... But when i write it by hands it don't works i checked everything goes fine but i don't know why it's not working...Have any idea? Thanks! Link to comment
Cadu12 Posted December 24, 2013 Share Posted December 24, 2013 We can't help without your code. Link to comment
Ice_Cool Posted December 24, 2013 Author Share Posted December 24, 2013 here's The Full Code file, just you have to download. Link to comment
johny46 Posted December 24, 2013 Share Posted December 24, 2013 You've got a typo at line 46: showCursos(true) It should be showCursor(true) I haven't tested your code, so I don't know what your problem may be, but just try fixing this typo and check whether problem still exists. Link to comment
Ice_Cool Posted December 25, 2013 Author Share Posted December 25, 2013 function createLoginWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log in", true) X = 0.0825 Y = 0.2 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.25 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Username", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Password", true, wdwLogin) X = 0.415 Y = 0.2 Width = 0.5 Height = 0.15 edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 edtPass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true wdwLogin) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 50) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtPass, 50) X = 0.415 Y = 0.7 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.2 btnLogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Log in", true, wdwLogin) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () createLoginWindow() outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA:SA Server, please log in.") if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) else outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occurred and the log in GUI has not been created.") end showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) function clientSubmitLogin(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username = guiGetText(edtUser) local password = guiGetText(edtPass) if username and password then triggerServerEvent("submitLogin", getRootElement(), username, password) guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, False) showCursor(false) else outputChatBox("Please enter a username and password.") end end end function loginHandler(username,password) if username == "user" and password == "apple" then if (client) then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) outputChatBox("Welcome to My server.", client) end else outputChatBox("Invalid username and password. Please re-reconnect and try again.", client) end end addEvent("submitLogin",true) addEventHandler("submitLogin", root, loginHandler) And showCursor i fixed but still having problem Link to comment
DNL291 Posted December 25, 2013 Share Posted December 25, 2013 loginHandler function and submitLogin custom event should be serverside. Link to comment
Saml1er Posted December 25, 2013 Share Posted December 25, 2013 Here's the code which I made for someone. ---CLIENT SIDE showCursor(true) m_window = guiCreateWindow(0.63, 0.01, 0.37, 0.46, "Login panel", true) guiWindowSetMovable(m_window, false) guiWindowSetSizable(m_window, false) guiSetAlpha(m_window, 1.00) m_label1 = guiCreateLabel(5, 22, 283, 15, "If you dont have account yet, create it now!", false, m_window) guiSetFont(m_label1, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(m_label1, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(m_label1, "center") m_button1 = guiCreateButton(15, 103, 263, 22, "LOGIN", false, m_window) guiSetProperty(m_button1, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") m_label2 = guiCreateLabel(17, 79, 83, 14, "Password", false, m_window) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(m_label2, "center") m_label3 = guiCreateLabel(17, 55, 83, 14, "Login", false, m_window) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(m_label3, "center") m_edit1 = guiCreateEdit(78, 56, 200, 20, "", false, m_window) m_edit2 = guiCreateEdit(78, 80, 200, 20, "", false, m_window) m_button2 = guiCreateButton(15, 226, 263, 22, "REGISTER", false, m_window) guiSetProperty(m_button2, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") m_label4 = guiCreateLabel(17, 178, 83, 14, "Login", false, m_window) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label4, "center") label5 = guiCreateLabel(17, 202, 83, 14, "Password", false, m_window) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label5, "center") m_edit3 = guiCreateEdit(78, 178, 200, 20, "", false, m_window) m_edit4 = guiCreateEdit(78, 202, 200, 20, "", false, m_window) guiSetVisible(m_window, true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function (button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if (source == m_button1) then local username = guiGetText(m_edit1) local password = guiGetText(m_edit2) if username and password and username ~= "" and password ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("onRequestLogin", localPlayer, username, password) guiSetVisible(m_window, false) end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function (button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if (source == m_button2) then local username = guiGetText(m_edit3) local password = guiGetText(m_edit4) if username and password and username ~= "" and password ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("onRequestRegister", localPlayer, username, password) guiSetVisible(m_window, true) end end end end) function createText() dxDrawLine(548, 44, 751, 44, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(501, 155, 792, 155, tocolor(32, 32, 32, 255), 4, true) end function HandleTheRendering ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, createText ) -- keep the text visible with onClientRender. end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, HandleTheRendering ) function hideLoginWindow() showCursor(false) removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, createText ) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",m_button2,clientSubmitRegister) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",m_button1,clientSubmitLogin) end addEvent("hideLoginWindow", true) addEventHandler("hideLoginWindow", getRootElement(), hideLoginWindow) --SERVER SIDE function loginPlayer(username,password) if not (username == "") then if not (password == "") then local account = getAccount ( username, password ) if ( account ~= false ) then logIn (source, account, password) triggerClientEvent (source,"hideLoginWindow",getRootElement()) end end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please enter your password or username",source,255,255,255,true) end end addEvent("onRequestLogin", true) addEventHandler("onRequestLogin", getRootElement(), loginPlayer) -- Registration here function registerPlayer(username,password) if not (username == "") then if not (password == "") then local account = getAccount (username,password) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFYou have sucessfuly registered! [username: #ABCDEF" .. username .. " #FF0000| #FFFFFFPassword: #ABCDEF" .. password .. "#FFFFFF]",source,255,255,255,true ) setTimer(outputChatBox,800,1,"#0000FF* #FFFFFFYou can now login with your new account.",source,255,255,255,true ) else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFAn unknown error has occured! Please choose a different username/password and try again.",source,255,255,255,true ) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! An account with this username already exists!",source,255,255,255,true ) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please enter a password!",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please enter a username you would like to register with!",source,255,255,255,true) end end addEvent("onRequestRegister", true) addEventHandler("onRequestRegister", getRootElement(), registerPlayer) Link to comment
Ice_Cool Posted December 25, 2013 Author Share Posted December 25, 2013 loginHandler function and submitLogin custom event should be serverside. Then why it works if i copy these codes from wiki? Link to comment
DNL291 Posted December 25, 2013 Share Posted December 25, 2013 No, spawnPlayer is serverside only. And submitLogin is attached to loginHandler function. Link to comment
Ice_Cool Posted December 26, 2013 Author Share Posted December 26, 2013 No bro, didn't work as i said that it works fine if i copy codes from wiki ... ng_the_GUI and don't work if i write it.... That Script Made me real confused.. Link to comment
DNL291 Posted December 26, 2013 Share Posted December 26, 2013 Try this: Client: function createLoginWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log In", true) -- define new X and Y positions for the first label X = 0.0825 Y = 0.2 -- define new Width and Height values for the first label Width = 0.25 Height = 0.25 -- create the first label, note the final argument passed is 'wdwLogin' meaning the window -- we created above is the parent of this label (so all the position and size values are now relative to the position of that window) guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Username", true, wdwLogin) -- alter the Y value, so the second label is slightly below the first Y = 0.5 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Password", true, wdwLogin) X = 0.415 Y = 0.2 Width = 0.5 Height = 0.15 edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 edtPass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) -- set the maximum character length for the username and password fields to 50 guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 50) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtPass, 50) X = 0.415 Y = 0.7 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.2 btnLogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Log In", true, wdwLogin) -- make the window invisible guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () -- create the log in window and its components createLoginWindow() -- output a brief welcome message to the player outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA:SA Server, please log in.") -- if the GUI was successfully created, then show the GUI to the player if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) else -- if the GUI hasnt been properly created, tell the player outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occurred and the log in GUI has not been created.") end -- enable the players cursor (so they can select and click on the components) showCursor(true) -- set the input focus onto the GUI, allowing players (for example) to press 'T' without the chatbox opening guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) function clientSubmitLogin(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then -- get the text entered in the 'username' field local username = guiGetText(edtUser) -- get the text entered in the 'password' field local password = guiGetText(edtPass) -- if the username and password both exist if username and password then -- trigger the server event 'submitLogin' and pass the username and password to it triggerServerEvent("submitLogin", getRootElement(), username, password) -- hide the gui, hide the cursor and return control to the player guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) showCursor(false) else -- otherwise, output a message to the player, do not trigger the server -- and do not hide the gui outputChatBox("Please enter a username and password.") end end end Server: function loginHandler(username,password) -- check that the username and password are correct if username == "user" and password == "apple" then -- the player has successfully logged in, so spawn them if (client) then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server.", client) end else -- if the username or password are not correct, output a message to the player outputChatBox("Invalid username and password. Please re-connect and try again.",client) end end addEvent("submitLogin",true) addEventHandler("submitLogin",root,loginHandler) Make sure meta.xml is correct. Link to comment
Ice_Cool Posted December 26, 2013 Author Share Posted December 26, 2013 Oh! definitely understood. Thanks for help. Glad to be helped by Hoodsta. Link to comment
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