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Tumbleweeds And Crickets

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As some of you may know, it has been a bit quiet around here lately in regards to development with GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC. I just wanted to clear up some things so that people know this project is NOT dead.

First things first. The IRC channels:

The issue there was that my server had died recently...again. I was running mIRC on it to conserve resources on my main system. Unfortunately, this also meant I was unable to access my mIRC settings files, so the channels died off when my account was reset. This has been almost completely resolved now.

Second issue - The website:

I'm not really sure what is going on with this one, and I need to speak to VRocker about it more. Something happened to the webhost's server on his end, and it has bugged out. I don't have the ability to access the server itself in order to fix this. Please be patient while we get it resolved.

Third issue - The mod's development:

Due to several of us becoming incredibly busy in real life lately, and because of some changes perplexing us after breaking the mod yet again, we're a little stumped and without enough active assistance to resolve the issues and move forward at this time. For this reason, we are still searching for active, capable, willing, trustworthy, and knowledgeable developers to assist in debugging and continuing the development of this project.

Fourth issue - Server browser issues:

Yet again, we have run across a nightmare of server browser problems. As of this time, Game-Monitor is experiencing issues with Multi Theft Auto listings related to anything other than MTA:SA. I have contacted Wojjie about it several times and he assures me that it will be fixed soon, but I have received this same answer to no avail for quite some time. For this reason, all future versions of Multi Theft Auto for Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City will be using Game-Monitor as a secondary system, with the primary one being hosted by the mod's team itself. That means no more reliance while still providing a backup option during outages. Right now, that won't be going into effect until some other issues are worked out. If you know C++ and PHP, please contact me right away if you're interested in helping with this. The old system one of our developers created needs to be heavily updated and secured to ensure this goes through as planned.

Let it be known that this mod has not died, and will not as long as we continue to love it.

Long live Multi Theft Auto!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I didn't know, you search also for PHP programmer. You could remember me as GreenMilk (greenmilk). I can help a little bit with PHP coding, but after my school exams (after May this year probably), because I'm bussy right now.


Edited by Guest
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  • 2 months later...

Still trying to get a hold of VRocker to fix the website hosting issues. I've been extremely busy IRL lately with work, so I'm trying to get some time off to focus on this again. (I just recently received a promotion when my schedule was already hell, so it got even worse). We're still also searching for more Developers!

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  • 1 month later...

You might've seen my name, but not my skills. I'm known with 9 programmings languages which also includes C++ / C# AND very much knowledge in PHP. If you require any assistance, feel free to send me a PM. We'll see what I can do for you guys, I'd love to help you. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  tosfera said:
You might've seen my name, but not my skills. I'm known with 9 programmings languages which also includes C++ / C# AND very much knowledge in PHP. If you require any assistance, feel free to send me a PM. We'll see what I can do for you guys, I'd love to help you. :)

What is your experience with GTA-related programming? :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've been following this project for years already and any progress made was when Towncivilian was involved for a short period of time and nothing since then. And if my memory servres me well that was like 2011. Its been 3 years without any activity, the irc channel is dead along with the website. I know you want it finished but lets be realistic it won't be finished. There isn't even that big interest in the III & VC anymore. And even if there was any, there are VC:MP and LU(but I think that died also).

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  GodFather_ said:
I've been following this project for years already and any progress made was when Towncivilian was involved for a short period of time and nothing since then. And if my memory servres me well that was like 2011. Its been 3 years without any activity, the irc channel is dead along with the website. I know you want it finished but lets be realistic it won't be finished. There isn't even that big interest in the III & VC anymore. And even if there was any, there are VC:MP and LU(but I think that died also).

Your information is very far off.

1. There was coding behind the scenes even after Towncivilian became busy with RL. The only reason why what we have hasn't been released yet is because the coder making most of the changes decided to retire shortly after adding a ton of features to the VC part of the mod, but not the III part, and caused the entire thing to become bugged. Finding a replacement developer that understands what he did is already hard enough, but finding one that is actually willing to fix it too is a whole 'nother story.

2. The website is not dead. The server it was hosted on had issues that I am still trying to work out.

3. The IRC channel is only "dead" because no one has had any reason to talk in it lately. I would rejoin and bring up interest again, but I've been very busy with work IRL, and I am still trying to seek a resolution to this development issue.

4. LU and VC:MP are not dead. To the contrary, LU is still working on version, which is being rewritten from scratch, and VC:MP already has a beta out for 0.4.

Just because you do not see progress does not mean there isn't any. That is why I posted this topic. To keep you all in the loop regarding the situation at hand.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for yet another bump, however news has arisen!

We are currently in the process of getting things back on track. Callum has returned to the development team, and pending some new technical changes awaiting the VPS I plan to purchase next month, we will continue development of 0.5.1 soon. I'm also looking at us possibly releasing a new version of the external server browser that would use the PR website's server listing for 0.5r2, since Game-Monitor support will be being dropped completely in 0.5.1. (The company is trying to sell itself off, and has continuously ignored our repeated/promised requests to fix the "Add Server" section).

If anyone is interested in joining our web or program development teams, and you have knowledge of the applicable languages, don't hesitate to contact us! :)

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  • 1 month later...
  ULK.D said:
Nice to see. Have a good day.

That was incredibly delayed, however it gives me good reason to post some progress! :D

The new PR site is about 95% done, pending reinstallation of some missing pieces such as the portal and the wiki's anti-spam mods, and some CSS-based fixes here and there. The majority of things are now live for all to enjoy, and we're actively attempting to hunt down more C++ developers to help get things back on track.

I would also like to point out that despite the issues mentioned elsewhere in the current development of 0.5.1, everything is building properly without errors, and both MTAClient and MTAServer will run under Windows. (I'm still trying to get the *nix version of MTAServer to compile, which is delayed by my lack of experience in *nix-based compiling). Once I can get everything packaged up, I'll try to release another nightly for people to try out.

Here's a couple teasers of the latest compiling on Windows:


(Connected and running)


(Disconnect reason of the server being shut down finally working+fixed out-game chat colors)

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