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Wierd error @ Bad Argument 'blowVehicle'


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I've been working on an AFK Killer / Kicker.

I've modified the following function:

function afkKill() 
        local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) 
        blowVehicle (car) 
                --setElementHealth( source, 0) 
addEvent( "afkSlap", true ) 
addEventHandler( "afkSlap", getRootElement(), afkKill) 

*Note: The original funtion did not include the code-lines 2,3. (original function works 100%)

When I test the modified function in my local server, it works perfectly. '/debugscript 3' doesn't show any @Bad Argument.

But, when I upload it in a hosted server oppened for public, the script doesn't work.

While having enabled 'debugscript 3'; the console shows an error by the following statement "@ Bad Argument 'blowVehicle' ". Which causes the script run prematurely (when the player is killed by the first time by the AFK, the 'bug' makes it to keep counting the number of times the played was killed by AFK up to 3 (which is the limit and when the player gets kicked)) as a result, the player gets kicked if he's killed just once by the AFK.

Any ideas / solutions related to this problem are welcome.



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function afkKill() 
    local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) 
    if car then 
        blowVehicle (car) 
addEvent( "afkSlap", true ) 
addEventHandler( "afkSlap", getRootElement(), afkKill) 

Make sure he has a car before you try to blow it.

You can't blow a boolean(false). :D

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local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", player) 

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local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", player) 

local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", root, player) 

Try now.

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local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", player) 

local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", root, player) 

Try now.

You cannot get the vehicle of "root."

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local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", player) 

local player = getLocalPlayer() 
        if(AFKtime >= MaxAFKtime) then 
            if (afkCounter <= 4) then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkWarn", player, 1, afkCounter) 
                afkCounter = afkCounter+1 
                triggerServerEvent ( "afkSlap", root, player) 

Try now.

You cannot get the vehicle of "root."

root = rootElement, the function is being triggered across file types, I think root is moreover recommended. We aren't stating the vehicle in this side of the function, that all comes on the other file.

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