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New Mini League


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5 minimum, 7 maximum. you play with however many you have, its purely the gangs decision if they want to reduce thier count to match yours. you can play with less then 5, but its not recommended :wink:

so is fbi in?

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5 minimum, 7 maximum. you play with however many you have, its purely the gangs decision if they want to reduce thier count to match yours. you can play with less then 5, but its not recommended :wink:

so is fbi in?

Count FBI in .. .I have at least 5 committed. . .and probably a few more.

Let us know when to rumble!

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good to hear, that brings us to 6-7 gangs (wtf, kfc, ulk, sm, fbi, vces, and probably fmj)

im going to leave registration open for a week, as that will give the gangs time to sign up, as well as notify there members. registration closes next thursday, the games start next saturday (or times arranged between the teams). this parties almost ready to get started 8)

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here are the conditions for me to play:

1.) it is the saturday FOLLOWING the valentines saturday (ill be busy- ahem)

7.) if im not out shmokin n getting drink;

otherwise im in, Cowboy, you know whose the skilled members of the crew so its up to you to pick who are going out to rep.

-=status for tourney: AVAILABLE=-

=-=In addition; i like that pic of derty harry, kungfu.=-=

Edited by Guest
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After the disater that was the last minileague i dont think VCA will be entering, having a fixed day that the matches have to take place on is too limiting and the fact that a single gang withdrawing can wreck the whole thing means it's not really the way to go.

Dealer and i had been in thew process of organising a ladder system a little like Clanbase, gangs having the oppertunity to arrange matches for any day and time that suited them, results being reported and figured into the ladder. Meaning a much more flexible system for all and no 'knockout' so gangs can remain active and competing even if they lose a few matches.

There is also another possibility on the table similar to above but actually bringing some meaning to the whole 'gang HQ' situation, involving transferance of ownership of those territories if they are won in a match, the structure of which hasnt been fully worked out yet.

Unfortunately dealer seems to have dissapeared recently so it is on hold for now as i do not have the html/php knowhow to create that side of things. Hence the casual version involving open invitations to freindlies, maintaining the freedom of no fixed days that you HAVE to play.

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the clans have a whole week within which to play there match. any gang that withdraws will simply not count torwards any more scores. the clan that wins is based on a win percentage, and not number of games as has happened in the past. thus one clan withdrawing wouldnt wrech the scoreboard.

the problem with arranging matches is that they NEVER HAPPEN. arranging a match with every gang individually takes way to long, and causes way to much conflict because people might not like the other gang bla bla bla.

and having a week within which to schedule a match isnt a huge issue, as should there be no way to play during that week, the match can be played against another gang/played out the following week as a double.

basically this way everyone plays everyone, dispite whatever issues a clan may have with one another. thats competition, not "i dont like you so i dont wanna play you." and this way you have a match every week, if a gang starts a drama every week they will be kicked from the tourny, plain and simple.

hope that explains it enuf, but the system that this tournament will use will be unaffected by people withdrawing/not being able to play during a paticular day

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thnx for that lovely comment bump, but this is a clan run tournament. so yes there is the possibility of us getting kicked if we mouth off. anything else constructive to add?

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ic, i get it now

This is because so many gangs didnt want to match with you right?

This way they have to play you 'dispite whatever issues a clan may have with one another.'. Clever ;)

As i said we'll stick to friendlies for now, as these are actually Fun, which is what its all about right? (don't worry i dont expect certain people to agree with that).

But good luck to all those who do enter, nothing stopping many tourneys, leagues, mini-leagues, events and competitions running all at the same time.

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no this is a way to get a bunch of matches in without a bunch of bs. arranging a match individually takes time and effort, this is streamlined and effortless. well vca isnt entering that issue is solved and bumps pov has been known. now vck vcp?

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