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More Functions should added in MTA

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hi all

It's nice to be these functions and exist


cancelAnimations -- Important 
loadCustom ped.ifp , anim.img , gta3.imgAnimations (Animations in gta3.img file example rifle.ifp) 
getModSize (The size of gta3.img and gta_int.img files) 
setCursorIcon (for custom Cursor Icon) 

Edited by Guest
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setCursorIcon > Useless, you can set cursor alpha to 0 and draw your own.

guiButtonColour > I don't understand this, do you mean the text of the button or the actual button color?

guiTabColour > Why would you want to set a tab colour?

cancelAnimations > What is this for?

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setCursorIcon > Useless, you can set cursor alpha to 0 and draw your own.

guiSetButtonColour > I don't understand this, do you mean the text of the button or the actual button color?

guiSetTabColour > Why would you want to set a tab colour?

cancelAnimations > What is this for?

setCursorIcon for custom Cursor Icon

cancelAnimations (example : cancel jump animation and other animations in ped.ifp , anim.img and gta3.imgAnimations)

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Ok, let's see:

  • engineLoadIFP: Look into the bug tracker and you will know why this hasn't been added yet.
  • cancelAnimations: As for your example - toggle jump control off.
  • loadCustom: Is it needed to repeat the same?
  • getMTASettings: The name itself is ugly, dxGetStatus and getChatboxLayout should also do it.
  • setMTASettings: No..?
  • getServerIP: What's the purpose?
  • getModSize: Once again, what's the purpose?
  • setCursorIcon: setCursorAlpha + tracking mouse movement and drawing your own should do it.
  • fxAddGraphics: ?
  • guiCreateGIF: Maintaining lots of pictures for a single thing is not something I would like to do, an animated GIF (which is the only purpose of enabling GIF support here, I guess) is basically just a bunch of GIFs (they are lossy so I wouldn't use that image file type either) compacted into one - it is trivial and can be implemented easily in Lua.
  • guiSetButtonColor: You could always render your picture as a button.
  • guiSetTabColor: You could always create your own GUI library or implement customizable tabs using DirectX functions.

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Ok, let's see:

  • engineLoadIFP: Look into the bug tracker and you will know why this hasn't been added yet.
  • cancelAnimations: As for your example - toggle jump control off.
  • loadCustom: Is it needed to repeat the same?
  • getMTASettings: The name itself is ugly, dxGetStatus and getChatboxLayout should also do it.
  • setMTASettings: No..?
  • getServerIP: What's the purpose?
  • getModSize: Once again, what's the purpose?
  • setCursorIcon: setCursorAlpha + tracking mouse movement and drawing your own should do it.
  • fxAddGraphics: ?
  • guiCreateGIF: Maintaining lots of pictures for a single thing is not something I would like to do, an animated GIF (which is the only purpose of enabling GIF support here, I guess) is basically just a bunch of GIFs (they are lossy so I wouldn't use that image file type either) compacted into one - it is trivial and can be implemented easily in Lua.
  • guiSetButtonColor: You could always render your picture as a button.
  • guiSetTabColor: You could always create your own GUI library or implement customizable tabs using DirectX functions.

getServerIP purpose is to get server IP and has a many uses

getModSize purpose is get Mod Size in gta3.img To verify that the files in gta3.img original or no

"fxAddGraphics" add Graphics to Server (example : ENBSeries graphics)

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getMTAsettings = You mean this for meta.xml ?

if the answer yes use ,

getMTAsettings = get

setMTAsettings = set

if the answer is not true Explain to me :D .

nope i think he meant setting the client settings

but most of his requests are useless .. actually i don't find something useful here ..

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All of those can be done with the current MTA functions, unfortunately.

engineLoadIFP is not available due to it having critical bugs and therefore is still an on-going project over Mantis.

How can Custom cars get all the 3 paintjobs? D:

And no, with shaders no, shaders will just replace car default body.

When it comes down to paintjobs on custom modifications, it gets a little more complicated than you think it would, however in my opinion it could be done - yet I am no expert in that expertise so I can't really say for sure, maybe I'll leave that to the developers.

However, you can make custom paintjobs and with shaders put them on the vehicle like I do.

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All of those can be done with the current MTA functions, unfortunately.

engineLoadIFP is not available due to it having critical bugs and therefore is still an on-going project over Mantis.

How can Custom cars get all the 3 paintjobs? D:

And no, with shaders no, shaders will just replace car default body.

When it comes down to paintjobs on custom modifications, it gets a little more complicated than you think it would, however in my opinion it could be done - yet I am no expert in that expertise so I can't really say for sure, maybe I'll leave that to the developers.

However, you can make custom paintjobs and with shaders put them on the vehicle like I do.

Yes, i already made default sultan a Rally with shaders, but i have to find the way to add custom paintjobs to custom cars.

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Now to finish off this despicable, rubbish topic by an inexperienced pathetic excuse for a scripter:

engineloadIFP - A planned function since 2009 Nothing you do will change this.

cancelAnimations - just use setPedAnimation(player), that removes any active animation. If you're really stubborn, which I assume you are, use this code:

function cancelAnimations(p) 
    return setPedAnimation(p) 

loadCustom ped.ifp , anim.img , gta3.imgAnimations (Animations in gta3.img file example rifle.ifp) - refer to the first one.



Nickname: getPlayerName()

Graphics: DxGetStatus

Audio: Why would you need this?

Chat: getChatBoxLayout

getServerIP -

getModSize (The size of gta3.img files) OnPlayerModInfo use this, because no, using a function doesn't make it better.

setCursorIcon (for custom Cursor Icon) - set setCursorAlpha and dxDrawImage

fxAddGraphics - what teh actualwhat

guiCreateGIF - dxDrawGifImage




implement your own gui system.

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Another good solution

You can now attempt to bribe MTA devs to fix your favorite bug or add some new feature to MTA:SA.

All monies collected go towards meeting the costs of running the MTA:SA servers. (Full details of which are available somewhere)

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