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[HELP] Fire Ped Weapon


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Sorry I took so long, I have exams. >_> Anyways, I can't get the peds to move, even the forward control state doesnt work. I need some way for the ped to look at the player and shoot him. The shooting works, but the looking doesn't (The ped doesn't rotate). Help would be greatly appreciated.


function setPedMoveState(thePed, theMoveState) 
    local theLastPlayer = getElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer"); 
    if (isElement(theLastPlayer) == true) then 
        local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition(thePed); 
        local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(theLastPlayer); 
        local playerRot = getElementRotation(theLastPlayer); 
        if (playerX) and (playerY) and (playerZ) then 
            if(isLineOfSightClear(playerX, playerY, playerZ, pedX, pedY, pedZ, true, false, false, true, true, false, false)) then 
                if (theMoveState == true) then 
                    setPedLookAt(thePed, playerX, playerY, playerZ, 999999999, 200, theLastPlayer); 
                    setPedAimTarget(thePed, playerX, playerY, playerZ); 
                    setPedCameraRotation(thePed, (math.deg(math.atan2((playerX - pedX), (playerY - pedY)))) % 360); 
                    setPedControlState(thePed, "sprint", true); -- This doesn't work 
                    setPedControlState(thePed, "forward", true); -- This doesn't work 
                setPedControlState(thePed, "sprint", false); -- This doesn't work 
                setPedControlState(thePed, "forward", false); -- This doesn't work 
addEvent("setPedMoveState", true); 
addEventHandler("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), setPedMoveState); 
function setPedShootState(thePed, theShootState) 
    local theLastPlayer = getElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer"); 
    if (isElement(theLastPlayer) == true) then 
        setPedControlState(thePed, "fire", theShootState); 
addEvent("setPedShootState", true); 
addEventHandler("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), setPedShootState); 


thePeds = { 
    [0] = createPed(287, 152.85546875, 1929.802734375, 18.964239120483, 50.057220458984, true), 
    [1] = createPed(287, 160.578125, 1908.6025390625, 18.678409576416, 30.946228027344, true), 
    [2] = createPed(287, 185.9677734375, 1926.345703125, 17.759992599487, 181.6369934082, true), 
    [3] = createPed(287, 204.7578125, 1898.0029296875, 17.640625, 5.5619201660156, true), 
    [4] = createPed(287, 222.2822265625, 1897.9443359375, 17.640625, 18.388641357422, true) 
function givePedsWeapons() 
    table.foreach(thePeds, function(theIndex) 
        local thePed = thePeds[theIndex]; 
        if (thePed) then 
            giveWeapon(thePed, 31, 99999, true); 
addCommandHandler("gpw", givePedsWeapons); 
function givePedsBrains() 
    table.foreach(thePeds, function(theIndex) 
            local thePed = thePeds[theIndex]; 
            if (thePed) then 
                local theLastPlayer = getElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer"); 
                if (theLastPlayer) and (getElementType(theLastPlayer) == "player") then 
                    if (isPedDead(theLastPlayer) == true) then 
                        local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition(thePed); 
                        local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(theLastPlayer); 
                        local theDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pedX, pedY, pedZ, playerX, playerY, playerZ); 
                        if (theDistance <= 15) then 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                        elseif (theDistance > 15) and (theDistance <= 25) then 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                        elseif (theDistance <= 50) then 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                            -- Get New Player! 
                            setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", nil); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                        -- Get New Player! 
                        setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", nil); 
                        triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                        triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                    for theIndex, thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
                        if (isPedDead(thePlayer) == false) then 
                            local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition(thePed); 
                            local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer); 
                            local theDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pedX, pedY, pedZ, playerX, playerY, playerZ); 
                            if (theDistance <= 15) then 
                                setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", thePlayer); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                            elseif (theDistance > 15) and (theDistance <= 25) then 
                                setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", thePlayer); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false);                                     
                            elseif (theDistance <= 50) then 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, true); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                                setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", thePlayer); 
                                -- Stop moving! 
                                setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", nil); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                                triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                            -- Get New Player! 
                            setElementData(thePed, "theLastPlayer", nil); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedMoveState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
                            triggerClientEvent("setPedShootState", getRootElement(), thePed, false); 
        end, 50, 0); 
addCommandHandler("gpb", givePedsBrains); 

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If you were at math hour's in class 7-8 then you know that in 3D world rotation between two 3D point's can be calculated with triangel methode and some atan2f. So in one word you don't need any function from MTA to get the angel between the two 3D point's.

Here is my first aimbot done in C++ in some FPS game. It used 3D world math to get the yaw/pitch for the camera (this can be very easy converted to get the rotation for the Ped)

I release this bk i don't need it anymore bk ATM i am using 2D world math angel (converting x,y,z to screen x,y and from there i can get the yaw/pitch for the camera) I done it in 2D math bk it's more precis like 3D math.

            D3DXVECTOR3 NewVector; 
            NewVector.x = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.x - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.x; 
            NewVector.y = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.y - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.y; 
            NewVector.z = pClientInfo->g_pLocal->Pos.z - g_pESP.pPlayers[AimAt].Aimcords.z; 
            float CamYaw = (float)atanf(NewVector.x/NewVector.z); 
            if(NewVector.z > 0.0f && NewVector.x < 0.0f && CamYaw < 0.0f) 
                CamYaw += D3DX_PI; 
            else if(NewVector.z > 0.0f && NewVector.x > 0.0f) 
                CamYaw += D3DX_PI; 
            DWORD tempKey = 0; 
                    tempKey = VK_LBUTTON; 
                case 1: 
                    tempKey = VK_RBUTTON; 
                case 2: 
                    tempKey = VK_SHIFT; 
            if((GetAsyncKeyState(tempKey) && !Aimbotkeyon) || (Aimbotkeyon)) 
                pClientInfo->g_pLocal->pitch    = (float)atan2f(NewVector.y,(float)sqrt(pow(NewVector.z,2) + pow(NewVector.x,2))); 
                pClientInfo->g_pLocal->yaw      = CamYaw; 

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