Lucario Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 Hi, i have the Legalsystem from the community edited and fixed, i keep the rights of the autors, but when im the cop, i cannot arrest anyone, and anyone cannot arrest me, idk what is the error, here is the server side (edited): kingCOP = createElement( "Pgroup", "cops" ) kingCIV = createElement( "Pgroup", "civs" ) kingNONE = createElement( "Pgroup", "none" ) function legalstartup(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then WantedWatch = setTimer (wantedlevelmonitor, 1000, 0) local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") for playerKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) do if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(thePlayer) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end end end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), legalstartup) function copSpawnCheck() local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(source) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), copSpawnCheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY SMACKING WITH A NIGHTSTICK function rodneykingcheck ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if (attacker) and (weapon == 3) then if getElementParent(attacker) == kingCOP then local thecop = attacker local theprisoner = source local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( source ) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest") and (wlevel > 0) then if (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) elseif (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( source, true ) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), rodneykingcheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY HOLDING THEM AT GUNPOINT IF THEY HAVE LOW HP function sightscheck ( element ) if isElement(element) then if ( getElementType ( element ) == "player" ) then if ( getControlState ( source, "aim_weapon" ) ) then local currentgun = getPedWeapon ( source ) local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( element ) if (currentgun > 19) and (currentgun < 39) and (wlevel > 0) then if getElementParent(source) == kingCOP then local thecop = source local theprisoner = element local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( source ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( element ) if ( getElementHealth ( element ) < 15 ) and ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) < 3 ) then if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest" ) then if (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) -- local arresttoolong = setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner ) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), sightscheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY PULLING THEM OUT OF A VEHICLE function yankhimout(player, seat, jacker) if isElement(jacker) then if getElementParent(jacker) == kingCOP then local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( player ) if wlevel > 0 then if (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) elseif (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), yankhimout ) --FORCES A PRISONER TO FOLLOW THE COP function walktheprisoner(thecop, theprisoner) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) == "underarrest") and (getPedOccupiedVehicle ( theprisoner ) == false ) then local copx, copy, copz = getElementPosition ( thecop ) local prisonerx, prisonery, prisonerz = getElementPosition ( theprisoner ) copangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( copx - prisonerx ), ( copy - prisonery ) ) ) ) % 360 setPedRotation ( theprisoner, copangle ) setCameraTarget ( theprisoner, theprisoner ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( copx, copy, prisonerx, prisonery ) if ( dist > 40 ) then freetheguy ( theprisoner ) end elseif ( dist > 12 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 6 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist < 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) end end --FREES A PLAYER (RESETS THEIR CONTROLS AND STATUS) function freetheguy (theprisoner) local thecaptor = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "captor" )) setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "none" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", "none" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) toggleAllControls (theprisoner, true) local prisonercheck = setTimer ( checkforprisoners, 1500, 1, thecaptor ) TimoutTimer = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout" )) if isTimer(TimoutTimer) then killTimer(TimoutTimer) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", nil) TimeoutTimer = nil end end function checkforprisoners(thecop) if isElement(thecop) then local prisoners = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if (getElementData ( thePlayer, "captor" ) == thecop ) then prisoners = prisoners+1 end end if prisoners == 0 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "none" ) triggerClientEvent( thecop,"clearcopdirections",thecop) elseif prisoners == 1 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif prisoners == 2 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end Link to comment
Blaawee Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 (edited) is the teams created ?! are you in the cop team ?! * Edit try this : kingCOP = createElement( "Pgroup", "cops" ) kingCIV = createElement( "Pgroup", "civs" ) kingNONE = createElement( "Pgroup", "none" ) function legalstartup(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then createTeam ( get( 'legalsystem.Copteam' ) ); WantedWatch = setTimer (wantedlevelmonitor, 1000, 0) local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") for playerKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) do if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(thePlayer) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end end end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), legalstartup) function copSpawnCheck() local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(source) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), copSpawnCheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY SMACKING WITH A NIGHTSTICK function rodneykingcheck ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if (attacker) and (weapon == 3) then if getElementParent(attacker) == kingCOP then local thecop = attacker local theprisoner = source local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( source ) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest") and (wlevel > 0) then if (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) elseif (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( source, true ) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), rodneykingcheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY HOLDING THEM AT GUNPOINT IF THEY HAVE LOW HP function sightscheck ( element ) if isElement(element) then if ( getElementType ( element ) == "player" ) then if ( getControlState ( source, "aim_weapon" ) ) then local currentgun = getPedWeapon ( source ) local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( element ) if (currentgun > 19) and (currentgun < 39) and (wlevel > 0) then if getElementParent(source) == kingCOP then local thecop = source local theprisoner = element local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( source ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( element ) if ( getElementHealth ( element ) < 15 ) and ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) < 3 ) then if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest" ) then if (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) -- local arresttoolong = setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner ) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), sightscheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY PULLING THEM OUT OF A VEHICLE function yankhimout(player, seat, jacker) if isElement(jacker) then if getElementParent(jacker) == kingCOP then local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( player ) if wlevel > 0 then if (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) elseif (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), yankhimout ) --FORCES A PRISONER TO FOLLOW THE COP function walktheprisoner(thecop, theprisoner) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) == "underarrest") and (getPedOccupiedVehicle ( theprisoner ) == false ) then local copx, copy, copz = getElementPosition ( thecop ) local prisonerx, prisonery, prisonerz = getElementPosition ( theprisoner ) copangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( copx - prisonerx ), ( copy - prisonery ) ) ) ) % 360 setPedRotation ( theprisoner, copangle ) setCameraTarget ( theprisoner, theprisoner ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( copx, copy, prisonerx, prisonery ) if ( dist > 40 ) then freetheguy ( theprisoner ) end elseif ( dist > 12 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 6 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist < 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) end end --FREES A PLAYER (RESETS THEIR CONTROLS AND STATUS) function freetheguy (theprisoner) local thecaptor = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "captor" )) setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "none" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", "none" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) toggleAllControls (theprisoner, true) local prisonercheck = setTimer ( checkforprisoners, 1500, 1, thecaptor ) TimoutTimer = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout" )) if isTimer(TimoutTimer) then killTimer(TimoutTimer) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", nil) TimeoutTimer = nil end end function checkforprisoners(thecop) if isElement(thecop) then local prisoners = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if (getElementData ( thePlayer, "captor" ) == thecop ) then prisoners = prisoners+1 end end if prisoners == 0 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "none" ) triggerClientEvent( thecop,"clearcopdirections",thecop) elseif prisoners == 1 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif prisoners == 2 then Edited May 16, 2013 by Guest Link to comment
Lucario Posted May 17, 2013 Author Share Posted May 17, 2013 now it give me bad argument, setelement or getelement data got number, i cant see the line, but i cant arrest anyone and im in the team Link to comment
Castillo Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 How can we help you if you don't post the line numbers from which you get errors. Link to comment
Lucario Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 Sorry, the resource dont get errors, when anyone hit me with the nighstick and i have stars, nothing happen, the name is legalsystem, i have fixed the meta: "" /> The clientside and server side: kingCOP = createElement( "Pgroup", "cops" ) kingCIV = createElement( "Pgroup", "civs" ) kingNONE = createElement( "Pgroup", "none" ) function legalstartup(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then createTeam ( get( 'legalsystem.Copteam' ) ); WantedWatch = setTimer (wantedlevelmonitor, 1000, 0) local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") for playerKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) do if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(thePlayer) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end end end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), legalstartup) function copSpawnCheck() local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(source) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), copSpawnCheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY SMACKING WITH A NIGHTSTICK function rodneykingcheck ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if (attacker) and (weapon == 3) then if getElementParent(attacker) == kingCOP then local thecop = attacker local theprisoner = source local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( source ) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest") and (wlevel > 0) then if (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) elseif (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( source, true ) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), rodneykingcheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY HOLDING THEM AT GUNPOINT IF THEY HAVE LOW HP function sightscheck ( element ) if isElement(element) then if ( getElementType ( element ) == "player" ) then if ( getControlState ( source, "aim_weapon" ) ) then local currentgun = getPedWeapon ( source ) local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( element ) if (currentgun > 19) and (currentgun < 39) and (wlevel > 0) then if getElementParent(source) == kingCOP then local thecop = source local theprisoner = element local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( source ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( element ) if ( getElementHealth ( element ) < 15 ) and ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) < 3 ) then if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest" ) then if (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) -- local arresttoolong = setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner ) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), sightscheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY PULLING THEM OUT OF A VEHICLE function yankhimout(player, seat, jacker) if isElement(jacker) then if getElementParent(jacker) == kingCOP then local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( player ) if wlevel > 0 then if (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) elseif (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), yankhimout ) --FORCES A PRISONER TO FOLLOW THE COP function walktheprisoner(thecop, theprisoner) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) == "underarrest") and (getPedOccupiedVehicle ( theprisoner ) == false ) then local copx, copy, copz = getElementPosition ( thecop ) local prisonerx, prisonery, prisonerz = getElementPosition ( theprisoner ) copangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( copx - prisonerx ), ( copy - prisonery ) ) ) ) % 360 setPedRotation ( theprisoner, copangle ) setCameraTarget ( theprisoner, theprisoner ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( copx, copy, prisonerx, prisonery ) if ( dist > 40 ) then local element = "vehicle" local radius = 40 local warp_successful = "Nearest vehicles warped to you." local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local colshape = createColSphere(tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(radius)) for index, value in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(colshape, element)) do setElementPosition(value, tonumber(x) - 2, tonumber(y), tonumber(z)) elseif ( dist > 40 ) then freetheguy ( theprisoner ) end elseif ( dist > 12 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 6 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist < 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) end end --FREES A PLAYER (RESETS THEIR CONTROLS AND STATUS) function freetheguy (theprisoner) local thecaptor = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "captor" )) setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "none" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", "none" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) toggleAllControls (theprisoner, true) local prisonercheck = setTimer ( checkforprisoners, 1500, 1, thecaptor ) TimoutTimer = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout" )) if isTimer(TimoutTimer) then killTimer(TimoutTimer) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", nil) TimeoutTimer = nil end end function checkforprisoners(thecop) if isElement(thecop) then local prisoners = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if (getElementData ( thePlayer, "captor" ) == thecop ) then prisoners = prisoners+1 end Link to comment
iPrestege Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 1- This code is not you're code : --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ --// Setting local g_screenX, g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize(); local gScale = 0.3; local gAlphaDistance = 25; local gMaxDistance = 50; -- Max Distance local gTextAlpha = 120; local gTextSize = 1; local gAlphaDiff = gMaxDistance - gAlphaDistance; gScale = 1 / gScale * 800 / g_screenY; local gMaxScaleCurve = { { 0, 0 }, { 3, 3 }, { 13, 5 } }; local gTextScaleCurve = { { 0, 0.8 }, { 0.8, 1.2 }, { 99, 99 } }; local gTextAlphaCurve = { { 0, 0 }, { 25, 100 }, { 120, 190 }, { 255, 190 } }; local markerp = createMarker( 1552.4996337891, -1677.3264160156, 15.1953125, 'Cylinder', 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150 ); local marker1p = createMarker( -1604.5458984375, 712.25848388672, 12.8671875, 'Cylinder', 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150 ); local marker2p = createMarker( 2340.9245605469, 2456.0463867188, 13.96875, 'Cylinder', 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150 ); addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, function ( ) -- local x, y, z = getCameraMatrix(); local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition ( markerp ); local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition ( marker1p ); local x3, y3, z3 = getElementPosition ( marker2p ); local distance_1 = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, x1, y1, z1 ); local distance_2 = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, x2, y2, z2 ); local distance_3 = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, x3, y3, z3 ); -- -- Marker #1 if distance_1 <= gMaxDistance then local x1_, y1_ = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x1, y1, z1 + 0.95, 0.06 ); if x1_ and y1_ then -- local scale = 1 / ( gScale * ( distance_1 / gMaxDistance ) ); local alpha = ( ( distance_1 - gAlphaDistance ) / gAlphaDiff ); alpha = ( alpha < 0 ) and gTextAlpha or gTextAlpha - ( alpha * gTextAlpha ); scale = math.evalCurve( gMaxScaleCurve, scale ); local textscale = math.evalCurve( gTextScaleCurve, scale ); local textalpha = math.evalCurve( gTextAlphaCurve, alpha ); -- dxDrawText( "Trabajo de Policia", x1_, y1_, x1_, y1_, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, textalpha ), textscale * gTextSize, "arial", "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true ); end -- Marker #2 elseif distance_2 <= gMaxDistance then local x2_, y2_ = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x2, y2, z2 + 0.95, 0.06 ); if x2_ and y2_ then -- local scale = 1 / ( gScale * ( distance_2 / gMaxDistance ) ); local alpha = ( ( distance_2 - gAlphaDistance ) / gAlphaDiff ); alpha = ( alpha < 0 ) and gTextAlpha or gTextAlpha - ( alpha * gTextAlpha ); scale = math.evalCurve( gMaxScaleCurve, scale ); local textscale = math.evalCurve( gTextScaleCurve, scale ); local textalpha = math.evalCurve( gTextAlphaCurve, alpha ); -- dxDrawText( "Trabajo de Policia", x2_, y2_, x2_, y2_, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, textalpha ), textscale * gTextSize, "arial", "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true ); end -- Marker #3 elseif distance_3 <= gMaxDistance then local x3_, y3_ = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x3, y3, z3 + 0.95, 0.06 ); if x3_ and y3_ then -- local scale = 1 / ( gScale * ( distance_3 / gMaxDistance ) ); local alpha = ( ( distance_3 - gAlphaDistance ) / gAlphaDiff ); alpha = ( alpha < 0 ) and gTextAlpha or gTextAlpha - ( alpha * gTextAlpha ); scale = math.evalCurve( gMaxScaleCurve, scale ); local textscale = math.evalCurve( gTextScaleCurve, scale ); local textalpha = math.evalCurve( gTextAlphaCurve, alpha ); -- dxDrawText( "Trabajo de Policia", x3_, y3_, x3_, y3_, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, textalpha ), textscale * gTextSize, "arial", "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true ); end end end ); -- ////////////////////////////////// -- // MATH FUNCTIONS // -- ////////////////////////////////// function math.evalCurve( curve, input ) if input < curve[ 1 ][ 1 ] then return curve[ 1 ][ 2 ]; end for idx = 2, #curve do if input < curve[ idx ][ 1 ] then local x1 = curve[ idx - 1 ][ 1 ]; local y1 = curve[ idx - 1 ][ 2 ]; local x2 = curve[ idx ][ 1 ]; local y2 = curve[ idx ][ 2 ]; local alpha = ( input - x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ); return math.lerp( y1, y2, alpha ); end end return curve[ #curve ][ 2 ]; end function math.lerp( from, to, alpha ) return from + ( to-from ) * alpha; end Wnd = guiCreateWindow ( 0.2, 0.2, 0.50, 0.60, "Trabajo de Policia Version Full", true ) guiSetAlpha( Wnd, 1 ) button = guiCreateButton ( 0.5, 0.8, 0.45, 0.15, "Cerrar", true, Wnd ) button1 = guiCreateButton ( 0.01, 0.8, 0.45, 0.15, "Escoger Trabajo", true, Wnd ) label = guiCreateLabel ( 0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.2, "Los Policias Pueden Arrestar Criminales \nPegandoles 3 Veces con la Porra.", true, Wnd ) showCursor(false) guiSetVisible( Wnd, false ) guiWindowSetSizable( Wnd, false ) guiWindowSetMovable( Wnd, false ) skins = { {"Policia 1", 280}, {"Policia 2", 281}, {"Ranger 1", 283}, {"Ranger 2", 288}, {"Vigilante de Trafico", 284}, } skinG = guiCreateGridList(0.01, 0.3, 0.99, 0.5, true, Wnd) guiGridListAddColumn(skinG, "Skins", 0.85) for i,skins in ipairs(skins) do row = guiGridListAddRow(skinG) -- guiGridListSetItemText(skinG, row, 1, tostring(skins[1]), false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(skinG, row, 1, tostring(skins[2])) end function SAPDjob(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and (hitElement == localPlayer) then if not guiGetVisible(Wnd) then guiSetVisible(Wnd, true) showCursor(true) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", markerp, SAPDjob) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker1p, SAPDjob) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker2p, SAPDjob) function takeJob() local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(skinG) if (row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1) then local models = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemData(skinG, row, 1)) if model ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("getJob", localPlayer, models) guiSetVisible(Wnd,false) showCursor(false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button1, takeJob, false) function close() if (source == button) then guiSetVisible(Wnd,false) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button, close) Am talking about the 3D Text 2- About the off topic you can get the answer here : Report Community Resources Center Link to comment
Lucario Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 LOL, im said this is not my resource! this is the legalsystem from community, but dont work, anyone can test and say the problem plz Read after write Link to comment
Blaawee Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 Make sure the resource name called ' legalsystem '. Link to comment
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