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Everything posted by Lucario

  1. Como sabes que te doy asco si ni siquiera me conoces en la vida real abuelete, si eres el primero que me agregastes a skype y empezastes a insultar.
  2. Lucario

    Little bug

    Only output the error attempt to concatenate a boolean value. function displayLoadedRes ( res ) outputChatBox ( "El Resource '#FAAAAF" .. getResourceName(res) .. "#00FF00 Ha Sido Iniciado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (source), source, 0, 255, 0, true ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", root, displayLoadedRes ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", root, function ( res ) outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Maquina: El Resource '#00faaf" .. getResourceName (res) .. "#FF0000 Ha Sido Parado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (source), source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end )
  3. Lucario

    Little bug

    getRootElement() and root are the player arguments there i think, i think there are problems with the sintax of: outputChatBox ( "El Resource '#FAAAAF" .. getResourceName(res) .. "#00FF00' Ha Sido Iniciado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (thePlayer), getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) and outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Maquina: El Resource '#00faaf" .. getResourceName (res) .. "#FF0000' Ha Sido Parado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (thePlayer), getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true )
  4. Lucario

    Little bug

    I have a little bug with a resource, when a staff start a resource, output in the chatbox, the problem is: Bad argument @getPlayerName expected element at argument 1 got nil. Attenpt to cancatenate a boolean value Server side: function displayLoadedRes ( res, thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "El Resource '#FAAAAF" .. getResourceName(res) .. "#00FF00' Ha Sido Iniciado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (thePlayer), getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), displayLoadedRes ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", root, function ( res, thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Maquina: El Resource '#00faaf" .. getResourceName (res) .. "#FF0000' Ha Sido Parado #0000FFPor " .. getPlayerName (thePlayer), getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) end )
  5. Mi opinion: la computadora es una autentica porqueria, pero me saco una sonrisa
  6. I think it so difficult for him @ Lucario, it would make it much easier. (As long as you know how to use tables...) yes im know use tables
  7. Where is the addEvent adn addEventHandler for onPlayerCloseLoginScreens? if you dont show the full script, we cant help you
  8. Gracias por tu colaboracion Niko
  9. local weapons = { manopla = 1, golf = 2, macana = 3, cuchillo = 4, bate = 5, pala = 6, pool = 7, katana = 8, motosierra = 9, glock = 22, silenciada = 23, deagle = 24, escopeta = 25, recortada = 26, spaz = 27, uzi = 28, mp5 = 32, tec9 = 32, ak47 = 30, m4 = 31, rifle = 33, sniper = 34, rocket = 35, rpg = 36, lanzallamas = 37, minigun = 38, granada = 16, gas = 17, molotov = 18, satchel = 39, spray = 41, extinguidor = 42, camara = 43 } addCommandHandler( "arma", function( thePlayer, _, weapon, ammo ) if weapon and ammo then if weapons[weapon] then giveWeapon( thePlayer, weapons[weapon], tonumber(ammo), true ) end end end ) Te has motivado haciendo todo ese codigo , la verdad quedo bien grande y bueno
  10. Anyone can say me the functions and handler please?
  11. I think it so difficult for him
  12. What coordinates do you need to add for spawn? And yes, you could
  13. function crearVehiculo (thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) createVehicle (402, x, y + 5, z) end addCommandHandler ("buffalo", crearVehiculo) OFF: A un compañero siempre le ayuda a empezar, y le doy ese empujoncito, puedes cambiar la id y el comando por ti solo, despues te mandare mas trabajo, este ha sido como un empujon para empezar, estate atento al siguiente examen. 1. Gracias por la colaboracion 2. Estas paranoico ya conmigo , me ves por todas partes, lee este post anda: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=59897 Yo creo que se te subio a la cabeza mi nombre , ya no me llamo asi, solo en youtube
  14. function darArma (thePlayer) giveWeapon (thePlayer, 28, 1000) end addCommandHandler ("uzi", darArma) Reemplaza el modelo que quieras, y el comando a cual quieras
  15. Hi, what i must use to create a license shop for vehicles, what functions and handlers.
  16. hola quiero admitir que soy tigreblanco, aunque ahora me llame lucario, la verdad quiero disculparme por todo lo causado en el foro y en la community, me gustaria que me dieseis otra oportunidad de reintegrarme en la comunidad y el foro, si no quereis darme otra oportunidad lo entiendo, pero poco a poco estoy cambiando de actitud a buena, quiero pedir disculpas en especial a solid (el cual es una gran persona y ayuda mucho) y a tales persona por molestarlas e insultarlas, gracias por ver el post y espero que me entiendan, espero vuestra decicion
  17. Alredy have this function, please read the full topic after reply, can anyone help?
  18. dont work the windows doesnt disappear when i click and when i reconnect the gui continue starting
  19. Thanks fixed, now it working correctly
  20. Why i can put the staff skin outside the group? function staffGroup ( thePlayer ) local inGroup = false local accountName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) for _, group in ipairs ( { "Adm.Jura", "SMod.Jura", "Mod.Jura", "VIP" } ) do inGroup = true break end return inGroup end
  21. it say no loop to break end, i must quit the break?
  22. I know it is a noob question, but i have a problem with the serverside freeroam, it say me, no loop to break near end, because i have restricted 3 skins for the acls groups, but if i quit break, the restricted skins dont appear restricted. Server side (where appear the problem): g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Presiona F4 Para Abrir el Panel de Ayuda', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if ( skinid == 25 or skinid == 111 and not isPlayerOnGroup ( source ) ) then return errMsg ( "Skin Restringido Solo para Juras/VIP/Staff.", source ) end if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end
  23. Client triggeres server side event onLoadedAtClient, but event is not added to serverside
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