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::46th:: legion Clan

Guest Snake Eyes

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hey all,

i am the leader of a Clan called the 46th Legion.

me and a mate have been playing MTA with GTA3 since the very begining (where you had to get in a car, get out of the car, get in another car.) Which very rarely worked any way,

but now that we found this new version for GTA Vice City we had to try it!

we had so much fun playing it we decided to add it to our ever growing clan!

so we are now looking for Recruits to join us so we can have a propper game against other gangs! :lol:

our webpage is : http://www.46thlegion.com

regards, snake eyes :twisted:

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Hey, aren't you from GTAForums? You got banned from there, or heavily starred didn't you? :?

Anyway, what makes your gang worthwhile? You should work on making your opening post more presentable. The effort I took with the SSR Recruitment thread really payed off as the niche market that street racers used to be responded well and meant I got enough members to become official. :)

If your gang has no unique function, people will be better off joining one of the established clans. Have you got a 24-hour server, for instance? BTW, your site is pretty damned ugly and the layout is awful, but at least you share my good taste in choosing "Century Gothic" as your font. 8)

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