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Start\Stop vehicle mods for players?

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  • 8 months later...

Ive been searching for the exact same thing.

I am as far as making one huge model resource instead of many small ones, to keep track of all my changed skins.

Sometimes Id even have the same Skin IDs modded, within the same resource, however, on different Commandhandlers.

The problem is, that the skinpacks will load, however other players will not be able to see them, as long as they also write the command for the skinpack.

That can be useful too, however this is not what I was looking for.

It would be useful, if once the skinpack command has been triggered, it will be modded for everyone globally, and also for new players, upon joining.

When the skinpackcommand is hit again, or something like /unload skinpackxy is used, that state should change and the mod should be unloaded globally and not started upon joining.

And needless to say, since HD Models/skins take up a lot space, the resource is over 100MB big. So I dont want all of that being loaded on serverjoin, when its unneded most of the time. The Download of according skins should only be triggered when any of the skinpack gets activated. Otherwise, the textures and models shouldnt even be downloaded by the client.

Maybe its best to write a resource that starts and stops other resources on command? But that would again fragment my IDs to different files, and I prefer to have all changed IDs and commands in one document...

whats the best way to do this?

Is there any such ressource available as of now, that can be looked at?

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