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hi there :)

Guest LinkinStickz

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ok i may sound like a noob to computers and shit and all that what not... but what would be the best equipment for a computer (as in processor graphics card, blah blah blah) for gta3 and mta... right now i am kinda short on money and the computer i got now is my labtop which isnt too bad (p4m 1.5 ghz and a geforce 2 dellmobile... -.- the graphics card pisses me off... fuckin dell i hate them.. i wanted a geforce 4... stupid bitches) and my desktop im planing to rebuild with some suggested parts from a few computer experts i know but i also want a few other opinions on what is good...im really excited over this site which i just found and it really from the looks of it is gonna rock... do i need any other programs to run mta though? thanks..

still learnin,


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Hey Stickz,

Well as most people here would never reply unless they got a download link to Mta 0.3b..... Ill try and help you out. Buying a decent gaming machine shouldnt really break the bank really a reasonable proccessor and a GF3 Ti ( V-CHEAP) upwards should help (never buy a card with the letters MX, and dont be tempted by any of the budget Gf-fx cards-there ill be somthin less than perfect bout them, just like the Geforce 4 MX)

Anyway seeing as this is pretty off topic i should just say this

Id reccommend an Athlon Xp

GF 4 Ti 4200

Seagate Barracuda HD

As most important parts

For a forum that you can ask questions about hardware without trouble go to


Welcome to the Mta forums :)

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Hey Stickz,

Well as most people here would never reply unless they got a download link to Mta 0.3b..... Ill try and help you out. Buying a decent gaming machine shouldnt really break the bank really a reasonable proccessor and a GF3 Ti ( V-CHEAP) upwards should help (never buy a card with the letters MX, and dont be tempted by any of the budget Gf-fx cards-there ill be somthin less than perfect bout them, just like the Geforce 4 MX)

Anyway seeing as this is pretty off topic i should just say this

Id reccommend an Athlon Xp

GF 4 Ti 4200

Seagate Barracuda HD

As most important parts

For a forum that you can ask questions about hardware without trouble go to


Welcome to the Mta forums :)

i looked up those parts and they look pretty tempting to buy... :P i cant wait will i find enough funds to get the pc version of gta... if only some how i can use my net adapter to dl mta theni would be in business!

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