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Anyone wanna do a voiceover?

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Im am makeing a movie called "The Hulk" I am typing words and they look like crap, so I am going to need some vocieovers. If anyone has a mike and wants to be in this movie, just make a vocieover of one of the characters (im gonna post them under this) and e-mail [email protected]

Tool shop guy: "Can I help you" and "back again so soon"

Club guy: "I'm sorry, that shirt is too ugly for this club" and "hey charlie look, it's the ugly shirt guy!"

The hulk, befor he turns into the hulk: "I'm goingt to a party", "O.K" "Just browsing" "I can't decide" and "Jerk off!"

The Hulk: just mean grunts in genneral and some yelling.

Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!

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