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you better mean when someone mods MTA, or i may have eilimated several feline species, of my 4 vice installs, only 1 is stock; the mta one. the others range from mild changes, to complete conversions, where well over 90% of the game has been erased / altered / replaced / enhanced, including the exe. ive killed alot of kittens, and ill do it again :D

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fool, you can't kill me.

did u know mods spelled backwards is "sdom" which if u sound it out its like Sadam??? Scary thought eh?

um....really....thats pretty stupid. inside out it could also be Doms, you know the ugly women in black leather that make you their bitch on a regular basis.

Or how about Osmd, the god of gta modding? maybe he has an alliance with saddam :lol:

Msod, the indian chief perhaps?

Ok last one Dmos, the klingon-wannabe....

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I am glad others see my point of view. Some accuse me of being "That Admin" that boots people for the heck of it. I just want a smoothe game for all to play.

Ohh, if these Mod'ers are soo flipping genius . .why don't they have their own servers?

Thanks for the support of the REAL players!

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some of us, myself included, DO run our own servers, but with the damn crc-check, its a bit pointless, as we cant get our mods ingame, legitimately, whether its our own server or not.

of course some modders join public games with their map mods and such and cheat their little asses off, i dont deny that, i just claim i dont.

and yea, not like those FAKE players :roll:

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