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How to turn of nametag script: HELP!


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I've found a way to turn off all nametags. It's a script.

It looks like this:

root = getRootElement ( ) 
-- Store all the players in the server into a table 
players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) 
function ResourceStart ( name, root ) 
    for k,v in ipairs ( players ) do              -- for all the players in the table 
        setPlayerNametagShowing ( v, false )      -- turn off their nametag 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", root, ResourceStart ) 
function PlayerJoin () 
      -- Whoever joins the server should also have their nametags deactivated 
    setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, PlayerJoin ) 

But now my question is, where do I have to paste this or edit this to make it work? What file?

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Thats what I ment actually :).

Oh, and does anyone know how to make myself admin? I can use F1 in the server, and everyone who joins can, but the server doesnt recognize me as admin, as I cant typ commands IG like: /start blabla or /stop blabla

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Save your script as a .lua file, add a meta.xml then move the folder to your MTA resources folder, then use the command: /refresh and start the loaded resource.

Thats what I ment actually :).

Oh, and does anyone know how to make myself admin? I can use F1 in the server, and everyone who joins can, but the server doesnt recognize me as admin, as I cant typ commands IG like: /start blabla or /stop blabla

MTA San Andreas > Server > Mods > Deathmatch > acl

Edit that, add a line under; "Admin" saying: save it then restart your server.

Edited by Guest
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I did it, but its still not working. Do I have to do something IG too or?

I did it like this:

I also got some other errors with resources, please help :)


1. The DayZ resource can't find the meta.xml file, help me!

2. Superheroes resource can't find the meta.xml either, help me!

3. CP resource can't link to spec.

No idea what they all are or do, but it aint working. Weird how this all happened after I edited the acl file, though I just downloaded these (after I edited the acl.)

How to fix this?

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