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Need help guys!!!


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Hey guys!

i sold my race to a guy but it have one problem...

The problem is when he put the race in his oficial server it just shows a black screen and dont work... BUT when he put it in his local server it works perfectly :/ the stange is it doesnt give any problem in debugscript 3.

If u can help me i will be very happy :DD

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He may have another resource running that fades the screen back to black. If he doesn't then the resource hasn't loaded before it can be started. In the server console (or in-game console looged in as admin) type "info race" this should give you some information about the resource. It will tell you a state of the resource whether it's running/loaded/failed to load,etc. If he uploaded the resource and his server was running already then he needs to use "refresh" command so that server can load the newly uploaded resource and then he should be able to start it. I think I gave you all the possible reasons why it may happen.

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