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I know this is going to piss the moderators off but...

Guest joecool48842

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I am going to a lan party this upcoming saturday, and was wondering if 0.3 would possibly be finished by then, or if not if it works if i could get the download link for it.

I have round 60 peeps that want to play the multiplayer function of it, and im going to be hosting the server,

Sorry guys but right now i have the other mod, cause yours keeps giving me error code 9 when i exit the first vehicle. Really want to run your version on my server tho, so please finish it if you can. I know their would be allot of happy lan party peeps if you did. Who knows, if it is good enough well run that server as a regular.


Joe Hayhoe

http://www.xgchaos.com website of the lan party

http://www.thelanlan.com my personal lan party site...

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well hate to burst you bubble - but unless you have a couple of grand that you want to wire to the MTA team to cover expenses, so they can fast-track this project (they'll prolly spend it on booze anyway - shout me the trip over guys =P =) it aint gonna get here any quicker than they can help it.

We all want the release ASAP, but shit happens, and things sometimes go wrong, things blow up, major bugs get found... etc etc etc - you get the idea. These guys are probably spending all the free time they have on this, to get it released as quickly as they can.

Please don't ask for release dates, its not gonna make the job any easier =)


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