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All features known for .3?

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Hey, I've been keeping my eye on this mod for quite a while. Me and my friend tested out .2 and really thought it wasn't that good (no offense guys) but we are extreemely excited about .3!!! Let me ask some questions:

In .3, will:

-you be able to see other people when they get out of their vehicle

- you have to do all that entering one vehicle, then exiting and entering another, then alt+f12 thing?

-it have a menu where you can choose your actor

-have an arrow player tracker, where on the mini map at the lower left corner of the screen, it would point arrows to wherever someone is?

-it be less laggy with vehicles than before

-actually show to the other players the vehicle you are currently in and not the vehicle you were in before that one

-it NOT CRASH when you bump into someone?

I really hope that the answer to these is yes....I'm really looking forward to mta.3 and would like to see those in particular fixed/added

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this may sound like the same old message....

But the only people that know ALL the features that havent already been listed in the announcments (which i ask everyone to read before posting!!!!) is to wait until the release.

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