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Selling RACE scripts!


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Hey :)

I'm selling:

Race: 30€

Toptimes: Sold for 5€

Scoreboard: Sold for 7€

Userpanel: 65€

All these scripts aren't stolen, a scripter made it for me but i need Money so i need to sell it :C

My skype: joao-ferreira123

There are some pics:













http://i50.tinypic.com/zn5ymx.png ----PIC of Toptimes and Scoreboard

Desc about the scripts:


-all in blue (you can change the color)

-left down corner:

- fps:

- spectators:

- map:

- nextmap: (only shows when the map is set)

right up corner:

-time passed

-travelling: showing the map name and a dx count loading and image of your clan

-hunter reached text on screen with animation

-winner text

-kph speedo digital in right down corner

-player nametag colored with health bar

-deathlist with an eye to see who is spectating the player and the number of the player turns blue

-when is only 1 player playing it continues and not comes the nextmap (auto B)

-deathlist format, ex: 1) playernamecolored 00:00:00 (if not the first failing the map is +10:23:19) (when the last player is alive it shows Winner!) (3.png)

-countdown: with sound, cameramatrix



-like the FFS one

-Font to scoreboard equal to FFS one

-shows: players,points,money,rank,country (flag and full name),state,ping



-Shows 8 tops (you can change that)

-Player name colored

-Shows player country flag


USERPANEL + Login Panel

-if not logged player it shows in scoreboard (rank: ----- points: Guest Money: Guest)

-when the player reaches the hunter receives 50$*numberofplayersonline more 300 points

-bet command (maximum bet 10000$) (when the player who is bet won the map the player receives 2*MoneyHeBetInThePlayer)

-random words

-afk killer

-spin (maximum spin 50000$)

-auto GM (DM, Trial maps)

-Ability to turn GM ON or OFF

-private messages: /pm partofname message

-points and rank system

-Map like system

-when a player die he receives money according to how much players in the server and his position and shows the winstreak if he has

-bind key U

-Map info like FFS!

-F7 key fast access music store

-when the player logs in appears one info saying the key to open the userpanel

-When a player is chatting appears image above is head

-Login Panel ( I offer it :D )



/nextmap mapname



/addtag you can change the tag in maptimes_server

/removetag you can change the tag in maptimes_server

/start runcode

/run setFPSLimit(49)


/setAccountData player cash(can be another thing just check dash.lua) amount

/give money person

Edited by Guest
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