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[Plugin] MTA Regex Module


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Hello, I want to provide opportunities for the long-awaited plug-MTA - Regular Expersion (regex).

The plugin has three functions:

-- Searching for a particular expression 
bool regex_search (string Source, string Pattern) 
-- Testing for the presence of arrays Expressions 
bool regex_match (string Source, string Pattern) 
-- Replace the expression an expression 
string regex_replace(string Source, string Pattern, string replacement)  
-- Information about the plugin 
bool regex_info () 

Plugin version: 1.2

Plugin authors: sentike


Change Log:

V 1.2:

1. Function regex_replace

V 1.1:

1. Increased reliability of the module;

2. Fixed a server crash at the wrong pattern

3. Added error output to the console

v 0.5:

1. Function regex_search

v 0.1A:

1. Function regex_match

for example, we need to check the player's nickname, the format FirstName_LastName.

So this is a regex that will do it for us.

 if(regex_match("Sentike","([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}_([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}") then 
--Bad login 
if(regex_match("Sent_Style","([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}_([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}") then 
--Ok, next steps... 

Or do we want to allow entry only numbers of a specified length We will use the pattern

if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{3,3}") then -- (3 length). 
--Ok, next steps... 
if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{,3}") then -- (0 to 3 length). 
--Ok, next steps... 
if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{3,}") then -- (3 length and more). 
--Ok, next steps... 

If you find bugs - inform me

Edited by Guest
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Hello, I want to provide opportunities for the long-awaited plug-MTA - Regular Expersion (regex).

The plugin has three functions:

*regex_search ([array], [expression]) - Searching for a particular expression

*regex_match ([array], [expression]) - Testing for the presence of arrays Expressions

*regex_info (); - Information about the plugin

Plugin version: 0.1A

Plugin authors: sentike



If you find bugs - inform me

What is it for, what does it do, what can you do with it?

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CapY, for example, we need to check the player's nickname, the format FirstName_LastName.

So this is a regex that will do it for us.

 if(regex_match("Sentike","([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}_([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}") then 
--Bad login 
if(regex_match("Sent_Style","([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}_([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}") then 
--Ok, next steps... 

Or do we want to allow entry only numbers of a specified length We will use the pattern

if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{3,3}") then -- (3 length). 
--Ok, next steps... 
if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{,3}") then -- (0 to 3 length). 
--Ok, next steps... 
if(regex_match("777","[0-9]{3,}") then -- (3 length and more). 
--Ok, next steps... 

P.S. I used outputdebugstring, to verify that the module !

Edited by Guest
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How about returning table of matches and their index of where in string it was found instead of bool? That would make more sense. Support group matching as well. What does regex_info() function do? It'd also make more sense if it returned a table like MTA's getVersion().

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never used regular expressions but it looks like Lua's patterns, only less useful, for example with string.match you can parse a line and store results into variables in a single function call (almost like sscanf).

Not bad anyway, it's just not useful for me, might be for others :)

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