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Changing .txds of a single object


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I'm aware it's possible to change .txds of objects. Although I'm wondering if it's possible to say replace the .txd of a single object in the same dimension/interior. Basically if there'd be several 24/7s around town would it be possible to change the front logo if one of them to another,, if both of the structures use the same objects, without setting each 24/7 around the map to having that same replaced logo? The objects would be in the same location.

Thanks in advance.

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I was thinking about objects created via createObject, but I don't think it will be functioning with the engine functions at this time. However, you can use the dx-shader functions. My friend made a shader function for his own car only in order to change the texture, all other cars remained original. I can't remember how its done, but hopefully someone has a solution.

Edit: Almost as fast as IIYAMA :(

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You can also load different txds depending on situation, position, etc. So, you can load 1 txd for the model if you are close to 1 shop but load different txd if you're close to the other shop. This method will only work if the 2 same models are not visible at the same time.

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denny199 said:

engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( element shader, string textureName [, element targetElement = nil, bool appendLayers = true ] ) 
plox, the 3th argument: targetElement.

I'll see to checking out of that actually works.

50p said:
You can also load different txds depending on situation, position, etc. So, you can load 1 txd for the model if you are close to 1 shop but load different txd if you're close to the other shop. This method will only work if the 2 same models are not visible at the same time.

Good idea. I intend to handle a system like this for interiors but I was trying to figure how to script a breakthru exterior script. It's basically about a player-ran business which is not a state-wide company. It'd be a nuisance to see another company's logo appear on someone else's property.

Thanks for the reply. Really helped out.

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