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my ideas


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my ideas and suggestions, some of it has been said before, some hasnt, im not gonna weed out what has...(not in any order)

1. vehicles and weapons that arent used during mta gameplay; remove them from the scm. this should help prevent cheaters, as everyone needs the same scm to play, lest their game crash.

2. you guys said you successfully tested a boat ingame. might i suggest placing a couple in future versions.

3. limit the map. like, have EITHER the west side, or the east side available, but not both, its just too spread out for the amount of ppl you get, i spend most of my time driving to a place, just have most ppl gone by the time i get there.

4. server side crc-options, inluding turning the check on or off, and setting the crc value it checks for on certain files. useful for 3rd party maps, and TC's that want the other ppl to be using their map exclusively.

5. an option for the players to set the colors of their names, not really necessary per se, but a nice feature nonetheless.

6. wishful thinking perhaps, but maybe user (server) defined game modes, maybe in the motd file, a list of player spawn points, weapon pickups, basically anything that makes up the core of the game. ammo amounts, health, armor, car spawns, vehicle types, etc. or work with your coders and work out a system by which these can be set, via scm compiler or otherwise, pre-game start.


thats all, for now...

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1. vehicles and weapons that arent used during mta gameplay; remove them from the scm. this should help prevent cheaters, as everyone needs the same scm to play, lest their game crash.

those weapons aren't included in our .scm its something loaded on demand.

2. you guys said you successfully tested a boat ingame. might i suggest placing a couple in future versions.

wasn't good enough for online use.. succesfully tested doesn't always mean its functional :-P

3. limit the map. like, have EITHER the west side, or the east side available, but not both, its just too spread out for the amount of ppl you get, i spend most of my time driving to a place, just have most ppl gone by the time i get there.

much easier to do in GTA3 which will probably have a more limited playing space, however some people like the open feel.. hard for us to make that call at this point, wait till we have gamemodes.

4. server side crc-options, inluding turning the check on or off, and setting the crc value it checks for on certain files. useful for 3rd party maps, and TC's that want the other ppl to be using their map exclusively.

we are researching alternative anti=cheat methods we cannot discuss this now, stay tuned.

5. an option for the players to set the colors of their names, not really necessary per se, but a nice feature nonetheless.

been talked about, no final decisions yet.

6. wishful thinking perhaps, but maybe user (server) defined game modes, maybe in the motd file, a list of player spawn points, weapon pickups, basically anything that makes up the core of the game. ammo amounts, health, armor, car spawns, vehicle types, etc. or work with your coders and work out a system by which these can be set, via scm compiler or otherwise, pre-game start.


Aeron is developing a mIrc script that interfaces with the admin panel, this will enable server admins to script their own gamemodes until we can get something better, it will be released eventually, once everything is encrypted. (got to protcet our admin protocol)


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  • 3 weeks later...

oo, i forgot i posted this, so...


6. wishful thinking perhaps, but maybe user (server) defined game modes, maybe in the motd file, a list of player spawn points, weapon pickups, basically anything that makes up the core of the game. ammo amounts, health, armor, car spawns, vehicle types, etc. or work with your coders and work out a system by which these can be set, via scm compiler or otherwise, pre-game start.


Aeron is developing a mIrc script that interfaces with the admin panel, this will enable server admins to script their own gamemodes until we can get something better, it will be released eventually, once everything is encrypted. (got to protcet our admin protocol)

Well, that does sound encouraging, and im sure this is early to ask, but do you think that will make it to .4? i hope so. then i can stop bitching about who has regerating health or armor, or who gets what weapons, and do it myself. always the preferred method :D

not that you guys do a bad job, but there are alot of customization options that would be nice to have, including our own maps and game modes and such. of course having a stable client and server is a pre-requisite to that and i can see why its not implemented yet. but im patient...

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