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Mabako's paradise roleplay



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Uninstall the current XAMPP and read below.


Installation of XAMPP (normal installation)

1. Download XAMPP (installer: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/f ... 5/download | extract-able: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/f ... 5/download). Only download either the installer or the extract-able. Installer is user-friendly, but the extract-able shouldn't make any errors and also allows you to install it as a non-administrator user.

2. Install XAMPP.

2.1. If you are using the installer, just follow the instructions that comes with the installer.

2.2. If you are using the extract-able, place the extracted xampp -folder in your C-drive at C:\.

3. Run the setup_xampp.bat -file for complete installation of the services.

4. Start the control panel via the xampp -folder.

4.1. It is suggested to put up a shortcut to the control panel on your desktop for easier start-up in the future.

5. Start the Apache -service and the MySQL -service

Question: Apache -service starts and stops, why?

Answer: If you are running Skype, bring it up. Go to the settings panel, open up the additional settings panel, go to the connection section, untick the Alternatively use port 80.. or so, and if the above box has numbers 80 on it, switch it over to 2891. Additionally you could stop all other programs that you do not use, they might be using the port number 80 and that means you can't run Apache.

6. Open your web browser and go to: http://localhost/.

7. Choose your language (English is recommened).

8. Go to the security section.

9. Set the usernames and passwords, make sure they are not too simple.

10. Go over to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

11. Log in with the credentials you set before.

12. Create a database with a name, you could use "rp" for it, for example.

13. Select the database from the list and press "Import" from the upper panel.

14. Find the database from your paradise -folder, somewhere.

15. Import the database and it should put in all the tables.

16. Stop Apache and leave your web browser.


Installation of Paradise (normal installation)

1. Put the MySQL library in your MTA San Andreas 1.3/server -folder and your MTA San Andreas 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch -folder.

2. Put the MySQL module in your MTA San Andreas 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch/modules -folder.

3. Put the SHA module in your MTA San Andreas 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch/modules -folder.

4. Put the resources in your Paradise -folder into the MTA San Andreas 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch/resources -folder.

5. Put the mtaserver.conf -file into the MTA San Andreas 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch -folder.

6. Start the server, join the server in-game, register in-game, there you go.


Set-up of ports (normal set-up)

1. Open up the Advanced Windows Firewall.

2. Allow 22126 UDP, 22003 UDP, 22005 TCP.


Doesn't work? I'd give up.

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