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Getting account password and username


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English isn't your main language i assume, which is fine as long as you understand what i'm getting at.

Ok How about this

getAccount SERVERSIDE (as its only available serverside -.-)


It says password is optional, but required. It says if its not specified i can still get the account whatever the password is. otherwise the password must match the account.

That makes no sense what so ever. Is it optional toward the server or not.

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English isn't your main language i assume, which is fine as long as you understand what i'm getting at.

Ok How about this


It says password is optional, but required. It says if its not specified i can still get the account whatever the password is. otherwise the password must match the account.

That makes no sense what so ever. Is it optional toward the server or not.


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I can get the account easily. From the server, (My server, containing their passwords) how can i, The server, Not the Player, THE SERVER, get CLIENT passwords?

Perhaps, but you don't have their passwords. You only have a hashed password which you'd have to unhash to get it, but I think MTA uses much better hashing algorithm than the usual MD5... :)

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