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Problem with removeWorldModel


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Hello! I'm having a serious problem with removeWorldModel ... I'm using a server-side function but if I add it more than once it doesn't work:

function sInit() 
    --removeWorldModel(3286, 5, -230.2031, 1185.7734, 23.3516) 
    removeWorldModel(16066, 5, -186.4844, 1217.6250, 20.5625) 
    --removeWorldModel(1352, 5, -206.0703, 1192.9219, 18.7109) 
    setGlitchEnabled("quickreload", false) 
    setGlitchEnabled("fastmove", false) 
    setGlitchEnabled("fastfire", false)  
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), sInit) 

if I use the code as below:

removeWorldModel(3286, 5, -230.2031, 1185.7734, 23.3516) 
removeWorldModel(16066, 5, -186.4844, 1217.6250, 20.5625) 
--removeWorldModel(1352, 5, -206.0703, 1192.9219, 18.7109) 


removeWorldModel(3286, 5, -230.2031, 1185.7734, 23.3516) 
removeWorldModel(16066, 5, -186.4844, 1217.6250, 20.5625) 
removeWorldModel(1352, 5, -206.0703, 1192.9219, 18.7109) 

don't work! :cry:

I have about 150 objects to remove... :x

The coordinates are accurate, I captured the center of the object in the virtual world! Even if I change the radius doesn' t work!

Help me please and sorry for my bad English :oops:

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First of all you have to use 'resourceRoot' instead of 'getRootElement()' in 'onResourceStart' event.

Second, what server version you have? There were some fixes for broken removeWorldModel in the 4785th nightly build, may be you should try to update your server and try to run your script again.

If nothing helps, try to do your script on client-side.

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I replaced 'getRootElement()' by 'resourceRoot' and I have a latest version of MTA (1.3.1, downloaded today) and still doesn't work :cry:

I changed type for client-side and it worked, but there are some models of objects that can not withdraw, as the 1308 :cry:

What do you think of this?

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Oh god. Why do people use onResourceStart so much nowadays, completely waste of time.

removeWorldModel doesn't require an event and as far as I know it doesn't work. You also should use this server-side of better synchronization.

1. What do you mean by 'synchronization'?

2. What's so wrong about onResourceStart?

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