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1 on 1 gangmember challange.


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well loendal and i had it out(he took my hint :P ) and here are the results

round 1: i win

round 2: he won

round 3: i win

round 4: i win

round 5: i win

it was a fun game, and as anticipated, he was a robber :P some great shotgun battles in there, and even a fun little junkyard escapade :P

well anyways, any other challengers? 8)

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well unfortunently sess and i both agreed that due to the physical limitations (hes on 56k, im on cable, we both live a half a world away) we couldnt really have a fair fight. there were a bunch of oddities happening on both sides, as in him not seeing things happen until like 2 secons later, and his shots not going thro.

but anyways, are there any other challengers? :P

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  • 2 months later...

thought id bump this thread just in case it could be used sometime soon... it has all my old challenges in it :) so this is where im gonna keep track of the new ones etc =p

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Yes, very nice thread. I think I will have to keep all my challenges here too. At the first post, it says death is undefeated. Maybe that will change when you accept my challenge. (wait, dont say it, you need to figure out how i move fast, ok, i got it, its ok, dont post it, refrain, i know already, jeez that was horrible useage of commas :lol: )

Almost forgot:


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Well, that one thread was for my 1-1 with Loendel which I'm looking forward too. Stubby fighting is so fascinating! :D For anybody else that wants to sign up for a 1-1, no charge required, I decided to advertise here.

Hopefully, I'll be getting some challenges soon. My stubby's building up dust in my laboratory. :lol:

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alright pi il tell you what. since you want to challenge me so bad here are the rules

- no spawn camping

-NOTHING is cheap unless its modified files/hacks/trainers(you get the ides), or purposely killing yourself *which will be counted against you*

-its a citywide match, no time limit on rounds, first to ten wins

-a player MUST REACH 10 kills before he is declared the winner, there is no "moral win"

-you must use a different class each time you die, until you have used each of the 5 (mex, sailer, cop, crusader, robber) and you CANNOT pick up other weapons, you must use what you have(spawned with). so in other words, if you lost the match times then you should have used each of the 5 classes 2 times.

those are the rules, accept or decline ur choice

p.s. to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR if a rule isnt on this list, then it isnt a rule. there is no "moral rules" in this game. and the match must be played out in one day

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you must use a different class each time you die, until you have used each of the 5 (mex, sailer, cop, crusader, robber) and you CANNOT pick up other weapons, you must use what you have(spawned with). so in other words, if you lost the match times then you should have used each of the 5 classes 2 times.

This rule which I knew you'd make to avoid the stubby will not be part of the match if I'm gonna participate. Using every single spawn does not show how good you are as a player. All the other rules are good, but this one just limits me to my kills. I'm not turning this down, but you know you made that rule for a reason.

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yup i sure did, the rules are non negotiable to. im looking for a match, not a stubby whoring contest. if your gonna prove that your "better then me" your gonna beat me at every aspect of the game, not just one

p.s. i dont care if you like the rules or not, your the challenger and im not fighting you with any different rules. srry that u cant be a stubby whore but if u dont like it theres just plain and simply gonna be no match, as im not that excited about having a match with you in the first place and am doing the offer i am more outa obligation.

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Yeah. All aspects of the game aye. Since this is done throughout the entire city, everything can be accessed. That includes weapon pick ups. I'll do this challenge if include weapon pickups (spaz not included). If your a good enough killer, I bet you could get me before I'd reach the stubby pickup. Also, if you run out of ammo, what happens next. Fighting with a colt, bat, or fists doesn't show skill. When you say no kill is cheap, that means car kills and heli kills aren't cheap. Come on death, that's an aspect of the game. :lol: Since this is city wide, the chance of blowing up or drowning is possible. What happens to that, respawn as last character you picked.

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if you drown urself in one on one to damn bad. im not racing you for stubby pick ups, because i know thats all that your going to use. im not talking about a stubby whoring contest, im talking about a real match. the rules as i said are non-negotiable if you cant kill me without your stubby, then your obviously not better then me

p.s. as far as running outa ammo goes, you are allowed to use weapons that you spawn with, so if you spawned as a robber you could pick up a stubby, and if you spawned as a mex you could pick up molotovs. your just not allowed to be a sailer running around with a stubby or m60 etc. eventually the rules are designed so that you are more then likely to use more then once class, but it offers an advantage to NIETHER PLAYER as both are bound by the same rules.

btw -

have a nice day :)

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Ok. Well, this does make sense for having a 1-1 of the game. There are few other little things I might need to add but I basically accept the challenge then. Wait, one more thing I need to clear up, can you use helis and cars for killing or participating in kills. I know you and some other ULKs love to pull off the hit the dude, get out and shoot him thing, I know cause I do it too. Also, there are 2 kills per spawn, correct?

then your obviously not better then me

This is by all aspects of the game. Even if I lost because I couldn't get a kill with a racer or something doesn't show your better, more like better in terms of all aspects like I said. I could still kill a majority of the time with the stubby or something like that making me a potentially better player.

Besides this, a 1-1 in the whole city sounds interesting, never tried it.

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alright pi il tell you what. since you want to challenge me so bad here are the rules

- no spawn camping

-NOTHING is cheap unless its modified files/hacks/trainers(you get the ides), or purposely killing yourself *which will be counted against you*

-its a citywide match, no time limit on rounds, first to ten wins

-a player MUST REACH 10 kills before he is declared the winner, there is no "moral win"

-you must use a different class each time you die, until you have used each of the 5 (mex, sailer, cop, crusader, robber) and you CANNOT pick up other weapons, you must use what you have(spawned with). so in other words, if you lost the match times then you should have used each of the 5 classes 2 times.

those are the rules, accept or decline ur choice

p.s. to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR if a rule isnt on this list, then it isnt a rule. there is no "moral rules" in this game. and the match must be played out in one day

pi, i want you to read that over until you understand it. i didnt leave anything out. those are the rules, now lets set up a time. and pi, MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOUV READ THEM, as i dont wanna hear you saying anything along the lines of "thats cheap" while were in game. and yes it is 2 kills per spawn, but you cant spawn as robber again until at least your 6th round, which you would know if ya read the rules

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6th round? Why? Doesn't show your skill as a player by when you spawn. You don't need to add limitations on when you spawn as a certain person, that's pretty gay. These rules are simple, can you answer my other question now:

Wait, one more thing I need to clear up, can you use helis and cars for killing or participating in kills. I know you and some other ULKs love to pull off the hit the dude, get out and shoot him thing, I know cause I do it too.
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