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1 on 1 gangmember challange.


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  {ULK}DeathB said:
your wrong again m8, that was the real tek. if your gonna try and make an argument then at least make it a good one, ur just making an idiot out of urself.

I don't think it matters who the fuck it was. If I was wrong, at least I knew it was a ULK and took precautions.

(Also, side note - If anybody is wandering, my dick is bigger. :lol: )

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wrong twice there m8

1. he wasnt a ulk, he is a part of nwg and i didnt get the info from him

2. your dick resembles your weapon of choice, and its not bigger =p

thats my flame for the week, have a nice day :)

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  SM|Gamefreek said:
What is with u guys, is this a "My dick is bigger contest", who really cares who is the best MTA player

*stares at Deathb and Pi*

Gamefreek edited this post. It used to say

  SM|Gamefreek said:
What is with u guys, is this a "My dick is bigger contest", cause if not Im leaving. I vote for Pi, look at his feet!!!!

*stares at Pi's feet*

:lol::lol::lol::lol: j/k <---------------(get the point that Im joking?)

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omg deathb, u think we sound stupid every time we talk and we dont deserve respect. How about what u did, u purposefully went in with an alias and provoke us. Not to mention the fact you also said shit about KFC, and again we did keep the logs so any time m8. Your just an.........no, im not gonna start the insult wagon, u know what u did was lowly and pathetic and YOU deserve everything that was said about you. OH no you deleted me of your msn, notice how u came looking for my msn not me for yours so do you really think i give a shit

Edited by Guest
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  [KFC]Nugget said:
no, im not gonna start the insult wagon

/me points and laughs ^^

p.s. the only thing i said about kfc was after you had already said ulk is to cocky, i told u that kfc talks to much, and then i said my comment at the very end. iv got nothing to fear from the log thnx

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You dont want me to bust it out, ill probably get banned, and again, u provoked us, and to be honest, some of u are quite cocky, especially you, thinking your all smart sneeking in and listening to our convos, god dude, get a life, do u really care what people think of you, dont be so self consious

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[edit] this was written before I saw Mr.Bills post

Ok enough I don't want to spend the next month trying to get people unbanned.


Next time you want to spy on us by hiding in teamspeak or using false names or whatever, just pull your lower lip over your head and swallow instead. umm kay? thanks

Pi and Nugget, continue this discussion elsewhere and not on official servers. Official people have tired of this circular argument already. If you are fighting fight, if it's called off fine. Let's move on. Treat Db like I do my herpes, Ignore it and hope it goes away. Thanks.

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u got it, i dont believe in one person starting a gang and then claiming hes the solo power, if your a real leader then people will listen to you even if you dont have the authority. but of course thats just my opinion and that could be easily misinterpreted, since im not the best with words, so il sum it up.

ulk has no leader

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  {ULK}DeathB said:
u got it, i dont believe in one person starting a gang and then claiming hes the solo power, if your a real leader then people will listen to you even if you dont have the authority. but of course thats just my opinion and that could be easily misinterpreted, since im not the best with words, so il sum it up.

ulk has no leader

The authority is an illusion. We have no hold on anyone. Any KFC can leave this gang and keep thier name or they can just make up a new one. Your are saying you lead without calling yourself a leader? Why not just lead by example?

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your right it doesnt bill, but every ulk member has equal authority, and they can do anything they feel necesary to benefit the gang. but i dont expect u to take my word for it, peek into our irc chan sometime bill, look who has the channel admin for example

p.s. im not saying i lead at all, you misinterpreted my post exactly like i thought you would.

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