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bone_attach script from MTA Community

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so you want make the example for player?

burger = createObject(2880,0,0,0) 

that what you want?

if not, explain better

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so you want make the example for player?
burger = createObject(2880,0,0,0) 

that what you want?

if not, explain better

Ok lemme try this And Montiz I mean Like The Object Like A Suitcase did you use the resource?

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No I never used this resource I just made a script not a whole resource.

Ok But Any Idea How To Destroy The Suitcase I Have Tryed destroyElement( case ) And DetachElementFromBone Or Whatever its called But It Doesnt Work.

attachElementToBone(element' date='ped,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) : attaches element to the bone of the ped. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to attach.

ped : Ped or player which you want to attach element to.

bone : Bone which you want to attach element to.

x,y,z : Position offset from the bone.

rx,ry,rz : Rotation offset from the bone.

Returns true if element was successfully attached, false otherwise.

detachElementFromBone(element) : detaches element from the bone of the ped. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to detach.

Returns true if element was successfully detached, false otherwise.

isElementAttachedToBone(element) : checks if element is attached to a bone. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to check.

Returns true if element is attached to a bone, false otherwise.

getElementBoneAttachmentDetails(element) : gets ped, bone and offset of attached element. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to get attachment details of.

Returns ped,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz used in attachElementToBone if element is attached, false otherwise.

setElementBonePositionOffset(element,x,y,z) : changes position offset of attached element. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to change offset of.

x,y,z : New position offset.

Returns true if position set successfully, false otherwise.

setElementBoneRotationOffset(element,rx,ry,rz) : changes rotation offset of attached element. Server and client function.

element : Element which you want to change offset of.

rx,ry,rz : New rotation offset.

Returns true if rotation set successfully, false otherwise.

getBonePositionAndRotation(ped,bone) : gets position and rotation of the ped bone. Client-only function.

Returns bone x,y,z position and rotation if ped is streamed in and bone number is valid, false otherwise.

Bone IDs:

1: head

2: neck

3: spine

4: pelvis

5: left clavicle

6: right clavicle

7: left shoulder

8: right shoulder

9: left elbow

10: right elbow

11: left hand

12: right hand

13: left hip

14: right hip

15: left knee

16: right knee

17: left ankle

18: right ankle

19: left foot

20: right foot


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I made bone attachments resource and I don't understand what your problem is. detachElementFromBone only leaves element floating because the function does what and only what it says: detaches element from bone. What else do you expect?

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I made bone attachments resource and I don't understand what your problem is. detachElementFromBone only leaves element floating because the function does what and only what it says: detaches element from bone. What else do you expect?

mate i mean i want to remove the element from the player so is disappears but only for that player everything i have done so far removes it from existent or removes it from everyone on the server

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If you want the object to only be visible for some players, then make it client-side. Then object can be created and destroyed for one player without the same happening for another.

Mate is doesnt work


-- Suitcase Script 
case = createObject(1210,0,0,0)    --(object,attachto,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) 
local case = createObject(1210,0,0,0)    --(object,attachto,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) 
addEvent("suitcase", true) 
function case(player) 
    case = createObject(1210,0,0,0)    --(object,attachto,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) 
addEventHandler ( "suitcase", getRootElement(), case ) 
addEvent("removesuitcase", true) 
function removebriefcase(player) 
    case = createObject(1210,0,0,0)    --(object,attachto,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) 
    moveObject(case, 1 ,0 ,0 ,0) 
addEventHandler ( "removesuitcase", getRootElement(), removebriefcase ) 


-- Suitcase Commands 
    triggerClientEvent ( "suitcase", getRootElement(), case ) 
    triggerClientEvent ( "removesuitcase", getRootElement(), removebriefcase ) 

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You've made another topic, never mind, try this:


-- Suitcase Script 
case = createObject(1210,0,0,0)    --(object,attachto,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) 
addCommandHandler("suitcase",function() --local Player 
    moveObject(case, 1 ,0 ,0 ,0) 

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