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"onPlayerDamage" event bug

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Hello there. I wanted to make something like a stun when you hit player with a cop nightstick. But I came across a very annoying bug. The event "onPlayerDamage" doesn't work correctly. I just made a check that you use the nightstick and a debug message showing that the event triggered. But it doesn't always work and while a source is on the run it won't trigger at all! I provided my simple script and hope you can help me with this issue.

function NightstickStun ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) 
    if ( weapon == 3 ) then 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (), NightstickStun ) 

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1 > did you start the resource?

2 > Serverside event < it is server side just like headshot (looks like 90% at it)

3 > debugscript. Any thing?

4 > meta ????

Check it all pls, bevore you are going to say the code is wrong.

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1 > did you start the resource?

2 > Serverside event < it is server side just like headshot (looks like 90% at it)

3 > debugscript. Any thing?

4 > meta ????

Check it all pls, bevore you are going to say the code is wrong.

Of course, I checked that all because this simple code is a part of the huge police system script. And it works with about 90% chance just like TAPL said. The problem is that why doesn't it work with 100% chance and why doesn't it work when a source is moving?

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This is known as desynchronization. When a player is running on your screen, the position and rotation aren't always 100% correct (especially if you or the target has a slow Internet connection and/or computer). Thus hitting them doesn't actually trigger the event, as you never hit them according to the server.

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It's very sad :( I suppose that it will happen even if I do it client-side, won't it?

Yes client side would be better.

Server side will only calculate this as a hit when it is visible at server side.

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