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ERROR: not enough memory


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This isn't so much of a help request, I'd just like to know what causes this error, if anyone knows.


Happens whenever I click a GUI button in my script (and no, there aren't any intesive operations in the function it triggers, just an outputChatBox), also when I restart the resource my screen freezes for a second or two, and If I stay alt-tabbed out of MTA for a few minutes, my GTA just throws a runtime error and crashes.


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if you don't post the script how we can help you?

I really don't think that's a scripting problem, i think it's somekind of bug or anything that cause to much memory load and that's why it happens (i'm not sure, just saying...you stil can be right)

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Ah well I've solved the problem. It was a function that kept calling itself (which usually results in an error somewhat similar to to "too long execution, aborting script", I forgot how exactly it goes.). I guess that error message got me confused and I didn't really check the code well enough.

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