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Avoid slow movement caused by LAG!


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Solution: DELTA TIMING Option

here's Wikipedia link

Make an option in the Advanced Tab to toggle Delta Timing.

Why to NOT force Delta timing?

Okay, let's take myself as example... My PC sucks when playing highly-decorated maps like Rafinha v10; the car slows down to the point it's-never-using-nitro-speed. This feature may fix the problem related to the speed.

BUT with players that have good PCs (like Mondim^^ or FFS members), this feature will be just useless and could be disabled. Also, some players may still not want to use Delta Timing, so they would want to disable it, too.

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I do. I experienced a 2001 PC during years playing MTA. Now, yeah, I have a superepic PC compared to my old one, but still saying that players who play 640xblablabla resolution need to be considered in servers. Also, the MTA team need to implement an option to toggle shaders.

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Its not hard to do, all You need is a mathematical function that describes exact correlation between FPS and game speed (witch unfortunately I don’t have)…

But we use this on 2paq Race Server anyway (but only on special occasions like championships, where equal chances are important)

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this is mayor rewrite that would most likely require source code to be done properly.

also, delta timing is in all games(otherwise me with 100fps would be 4times faster than someone with 25fps), just its FAR from perfect.

also as a side note: nos only increases acceleration, not max speed(maybe only about +/-2 km/h)

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read post above^ not only that this kind of engine changes are impossible without sourcecode(unless using inefficient loopholes, in what case you could use scripting as well), ANY game has delta timing(maybe only not consoles locked at 30fps)without delta timing me at 100fps would be 4times faster than one with 25fps.

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Delta time is used for some games only (although in most cases it sucks, just look at Super Meat Boy, when you are playing at 10 FPS).

But in this case, it is FUNDAMENTAL.

Also, it's not a HUGE rewrite.

From what I read, this would need to change around 50 lines and add 200.

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You do it by calling a timer every frame per second that holds the time between now and last call in milliseconds. You thereafter use the resulting number (Delta Time) to calculate how much faster that e.g. a game character has to move to make up for the lag spike caused in the first place.

that exactly what every game does(3d and not ancient at least)

all velocity>position and etc is based on this: velocity*delta time = travel units to add up to position(might need some unit conversion)

unless this explaination in wiki is terrible its all done already.

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once it gets the projection vector, it can check collison using that vector.

EDIT: btw, fps will always have influence in things like parabolic projectiles(less fps=more bulky collison check) and delays, etc, but this one is not causing the slow down.I think the slowdown is caused by invalid acceleration/deacceleration depending on fps.

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