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Admin Panel

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:roll: your server host is a dumbass, i even told him you could use it. warning to everyone, DO NOT go on the Xnetwork server, its full of ban happy idiots AND its a mjor lag fest!!!!!!!!
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i use admin tool thing v0.1 for my 0.2 server (REMOTELY). i agree w/ antixnet, ur server host is a dumbass. the only trick w/ .1 tool on .2 server is when u first login w/ admin tool (after many tries @least on xp), it only shows like 3 ppl, when theres 13+, etc. i have to wait till they get off and then back on so the names "sync" in the admin tool. accidentially kicking innocent ppl isnt good

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Ignore this idiot, he was caausing everyone issues, and beign a pain in the ass to everyone, it was no "accident" ban. he was being a pain in the ass and reports he was causing problems on the server.

My host used it to ban him.. i know u said not use it but it had to be done.

xNetwork server is offline right now, installing RedHat.. But we might get a 9.8 Gigabyte Upload speed,BEAT THAT woot. on OC192. Ill run a couple of servers then.

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