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[WIP] wBot


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v1.0.0 has been released. Get it


Description for v1.0.0:

wBot|2012 is a bot for MTA:SA servers.

!!!I recommend that you look at the examples in the list below!!!


The bot does not accept the standard commands of MTA, like "/me" or "/login"

- Instead it looks for certain words in player messages.

If enough words are found for the bot to put together an answer, the answer will be shown in the chatbox.

The bot wont always answer a question, if it can see the question is directed at a certain player. It only returns an answer when it's 100% positive the question is 'Bot related'

( More like 99% positive :P )


Here is a list examples of questions directed at the bot.

You don't have to write the questions exactly as I do. The bot can read it no matter how you write it, as long as it can recognize the right words and they are spelled right, it will return an answer. Try it for yourself. Leave a comment if there is something you don't understand.

-- Money --

Wafamde: How much money does Wafamde have?

[wBot]: Wafamde has $0.

-- Area/Location --

Wafamde: Where is Wafamde?

[wBot]: Wafamde is at Ganton.

-- Speed/Velocity --

Wafamde: Where is Wafamdes velocity?

[wBot]: Wafamde's current velocity is 150 km/h

-- AFK/Idle --

Wafamde: Is Wafamde AFK?

[wBot]: Wafamde has been AFK for 384 seconds.


[wBot]: Wafamde is not AFK.

-- Position(X,Y,Z) --

Wafamde: What is Wafamdes position?

[wBot]: Wafamde's current position is 0, 0, 0.

-- Alive/Dead --

Wafamde: Is Wafamde dead?

[wBot]: Wafamde is alive.

-- Weapon/Ammo --

Wafamde: What weapon is Wafamde using?

[wBot]: Wafamde's current weapon is AK-47 with 384 rounds of ammo.

-- Time/Date --

Wafamde: What time is it?


Wafamde: What date is it?

[wBot]: xx:xx:xx | xx/xx/20xx

-- Ping --

Wafamde: What is Wafamdes ping?

[wBot]: Wafamde's ping is 1.

-- Vehicle --

Wafamde: What vehicle is Wafamde using?

[wBot]: Wafamde is driving a Bandito.

-- Team --

Wafamde: What team is Wafamde on?

[wBot]: Wafamde is not on a team.


[wBot]: Wafamde is on team 'Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron'.

-- Speed/Velocity --

Wafamde: What is Wafamdes current speed?

[wBot]: Wafamde current velocity is 234 km/h.

-- Distance --

Wafamde: How far am I from Wafamde?

[wBot]: Wafamde is right in front of you. Because it's you!


Wafamde: How far am I from X?

[wBot]: X is 2837 Meters away from you.

-- Skin --

Wafamde: What is Wafamdes current skin?

[wBot]: Wafamde current skin is 157

-- GameType --

Wafamde: What gametype is currently running?

[wBot]: No GameType has been set.


[wBot]: GameType is XXXXXXX.

-- Currently Doing -- [You may need to disable this.]

Wafamde: What are you doing Wafamde?

[wBot]: Wafamde is currently driving.


[wBot]: Wafamde is currently on foot.

-- Altitude --

Wafamde: What is Wafamdes altitude?

[wBot]: Wafamde is 2834 meters above sealevel.


Wafamde: brb


Wafamde: afk

[wBot]: Hope you'll be back again soon Wafamde!

Wafamde: Back

[wBot]: Welcome back Wafamde.

-- Talk to wBot --

Wafamde: Who is wBot?


Wafamde Who are you wBot?

[wBot]: I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

Also supports lots of "Greetings" that the bot can respond to.

Wafamde: Ohai wBot!

[wBot]: Hi Wafamde.


There are some options in the resource for server admins.

It is possible to change the name of the bot and disable questions/answers in the file: "wBot_settings.lua"

To disable a question, simply replace the '1' with a '0'


For a little more info, bug repports, feedback and ideas have a look here at the forum thread: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=38510

There is also a few videos of the bot working:

( The bot does not reply as fast any more. I added 250ms delay to the messages )

The next release will contain a more optimized code and added functions from community ideas.

( If there are any! )


Ohai!.. Didn't see you there. :hello2:

Just wanted to start a WIP thread for my wBot project.

I am trying to make a bot that detects certain trigger and keywords in chatbox sentences.

The way the bot works is that it detects certain already known words in player messages.

If the bot finds a triggerWord, then it will move on to looking for a keyWord.

Examples of triggerWords: 'where', 'when', 'is', 'has'

Examples of keyWords: 'money', 'vehicle', 'team', 'ping'

If the bot finds one or more of each type word, it will then see if the question is related to a player or not.

A player does not have to be connected to the question.

Questions like: ' What is the time? ' or ' what time is it? ' will still pass.

Now that the bot knows if the question is player related or not it will loop through a function of possible-

-answers to the question and return the answer to the player/server if one is found.

It works pretty well already, but there is still a lot to fix before I'm going to share it.

I am also thinking about making a database for the bot, so it can gather info about players and the server.

Perhaps.. It will even be a real live boy some day.. I guess only time can tell. <- ( :lol::lol::lol: )

Aaaaanyways.. Here is a small preview of the bot at work :P

Don't really know why I wrote the questions like I did in the video.

Sentences like: 'how much money do you have wafamde', 'where are you wafamde?' or 'WhaTcaR iS wAFamdE usInG' - Almost anything will pass as long as the right keywords are there and the bot can connect them.


The bot supports the following types of questions:

Area, -- Returns the Area the player is in.

Position, -- Returns the x,y,z coordinates of the player.

Money, -- Returns the amount of money the player currently has.

Idle, -- Returns the idle time of the player, if he is idle/AFK.

Health, -- Returns the amount of health of the player. If he is in a vehicle, that will also be returned.

Armor, -- Returns the amount of armor, if the player has any.

Weapon, -- Returns the current weapon the player is using and the total amount of ammo for that weapon.

Time/Date, -- Returns the time and date.

Ping, -- Returns the players current ping.

Vehicle, -- Returns the name of the vehicle that the player is currently using.

Team, -- Returns the team name if the player is on a team.

Speed/Velocity, -- Returns the current x,y,z velocity of the player ( speed )

Distance, -- Returns the distance from the player to 'you' ( the player that triggered the bot )

Skin, -- Returns the current skin that the player is using.

'Back','AFK','BRB' -- Sends a message to the player that fits either 'Back', 'AFK' or 'BRB'

'Greet the bot', -- Greet the bot and get a response.

Admin, -- Returns whether or not the player is an admin.

GameType, -- Returns the name of the current gametype.

Doing, -- Returns whether or not the player is driving or on foot.

'Who is BOTNAME' -- Returns the message: ' I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. '

See some of the new functions at work here:

Sorry about the Family Guy in the background :P Forgot to mute it.

I have also added a BlackWord list to the resource.

The point of the BlackWord list is to filter out unwanted returns from the bot.

An example of this:

' Wafamde, how can I get some armor? ' -- Before this update this would have returned an answer from the bot, but doesn't return anything anymore, because it has detected some words that wouldnt be used in a "command".

Update 2:

Added function ' answerSimpleMessage ' - This function takes care of words like "afk", "back" and "brb"

Edited by Guest
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Will you make it customizable so admins can add their own questions and answers to the bot? Like a XML system.

That is the plan. Not sure if I will use the XML or SQLite system yet.

Probably gonna be XML as that is the easiest to edit for most people.

I am gonna make it very userfriendly so everyone can edit it to their needs.

I will also add a function so people/admins can 'teach' the bot new questions/answers by command ingame, so they don't have to access the XML file.

And thank you Solidsnake14, Kenix and FatalTerror :D

Edited by Guest
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Good luck with it. :)

Thanks JR10 :-)

If anyone has any ideas for things I should add to the bot, please let me know!

It is VERY easy to add new questions and answers to it, so we might as well add as much as possible :-)

Look at the list in the start of the thread to see which questions are already supported.

I update the list everytime I add something new.

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That's a pretty cool idea Wafamde, good luck with it.

How about being able to ask how long a player has been idle for, or how long it has been since a particular player has been on the server? Statistics like what is the highest player count the server has received, how many does it average, who are the Administrators/Moderators etc...

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That's a pretty cool idea Wafamde, good luck with it.

How about being able to ask how long a player has been idle for, or how long it has been since a particular player has been on the server? Statistics like what is the highest player count the server has received, how many does it average, who are the Administrators/Moderators etc...

Good ideas Oz! - I am gonna add a database for the bot tonight so it can save info about players.

About the Idletime, that is already added :D But I really like the ideas of the highest player count. etc. :)

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