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Towncivilian, surely this would be a walk in the park for you? I'll bet my mortgage on it. ;~)

The question was bound to appear on this forum eventually. Whilst android does understand many languages, the original source that was wrote for the 0.x versions is outdated.

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Towncivilian, surely this would be a walk in the park for you? I'll bet my mortgage on it. ;~)

The question was bound to appear on this forum eventually. Whilst android does understand many languages, the original source that was wrote for the 0.x versions is outdated.

I'm actually not that great at C++. The code is horrible in its current state. It is not fit for open-sourcing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

sorry for bumping but there is actually some way to play mta but only on windows phone it will not probably work but maybe on some really good good phones it will actualyl work

1. get some awesome windows phone for gaming(cost very much)

2.try to download windows 7 instead of 8(don't know how but it's possible or just keep on windows 8)

2.download gta and mta

3.crash mta many times and press button reset gta settings

4.it should work if your windows phone has enough ram etc to make it work but it would be probably laggy so fuck it on android when u can play it on computer

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sorry for bumping but there is actually some way to play mta but only on windows phone it will not probably work but maybe on some really good good phones it will actualyl work

1. get some awesome windows phone for gaming(cost very much)

2.try to download windows 7 instead of 8(don't know how but it's possible or just keep on windows 8)

2.download gta and mta

3.crash mta many times and press button reset gta settings

4.it should work if your windows phone has enough ram etc to make it work but it would be probably laggy so :o it on android when u can play it on computer

You can't put Windows 7 or 8 on Windows Phone. It uses it's own custom Operating System. It is also using a different processor architecture, which is not compatible with Windows 7 or 8, nor GTA itself.

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