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question abaout Account Password


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it wouldn't be a stupid think bk it will request admin rigt's i need it for a database backup bk on this day something f*** up the database of my server and i lost all account's and data's on it win count money everything .... and are some player's who raised money 2-3 months and now 0 so ... and i wanna make an xml file backup whit all account's name password and datas on it if i los the account's again whit a simpel script i can create the account's and set the data's on it

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if you want to store passwords from now on you can do it by adding an command handler "login" with 2 arguments (strings) passed and the 2nd one would be the password so you can store it somehow but it's very very risky I mean you should consider the security issues

but the players would have to follow this exact pattern of logging (using /login ) so your password logger can be accurate

PS: You should really just daily-backup everything in the MTA folder instead.

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