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rear view mirror concept script show off


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this is a concept script, currently there are few problems with it:

- camera is in locked position, you cant manipulate it using mouse nor to change view - not resolved

- fps is lowered by half, in order to have 25 FPS you need 50 fps (it don't effect the game speed though) - inpasible to fix

- i dont know how to simulate a reflection - flip the image - change the left side with the right - resolved

- default GTA hud is disabled -it has nothing to do with showPlayerHodComponent... - it's now disabled manually using showPlayerHodComponent - inpasible to fix as far i know

- unwanted sound effects (engine sound volume changes rapidly) - inpasible to fix

- problem with nametags and other "3D" created by using dx functions - they are flickering and allocating (illusion of being in two places at the same time) - inpasible to fix (without editing nametages cod, and any other script by that matter)

this problems are not likely to be solved,

if some of you think that it should be released as it is, let me know

Resource is released!

All comments and suggestions should be posted here: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=35931

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wow, it is cool no matter of that.

if u say fps is lovered, but doesnt affect game speed like normal lag does, its fine.

race are not using default hud anyway, and theres alternatives for default radar(hint: my sig)

imo its good enough to be released(probably camera movement support wont hurt tough.)

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wow, it is cool no matter of that.

if u say fps is lovered, but doesnt affect game speed like normal lag does, its fine.

race are not using default hud anyway, and theres alternatives for default radar(hint: my sig)

imo its good enough to be released(probably camera movement support wont hurt tough.)

ya, I like this too,

I think it's good enough to be released too, many people would put this in there rpg server like SAES.

anyways NICE :)

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-intel core quad Q9300 2,5GHz

-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295

-4 GB ram

-Windows 7

-full hard drive

-inefficient recording program

- can't remember when was the last time i reinstall the system but it must be more than two years :P

(probably camera movement support wont hurt tough.)

sadly as far i know i would have to recreate the camera movement handler from scratch, and the only way to detect the mose movement that i know is by turning on the GUI cursor...

It's nice, but what I've seen in the video is a lag spike when driving, I guess you'll fix that as soon as you know how to.

the problem is that GTA can support only one camera, and camera can be only in one place...

in order to create an ilusion of having two cameras, it need to swich its position every frame and update each of the two screens every second frame...

this video has about 30 FPS, so you seeing only the lousy 15, as long you can get smooth 50 frames it should be ok

things i can add:

- command to toggle it

- relative mirror size (i need an advice how big it should be)

- increased view range in the mirror (fisheye effect)

- position of the mirrio adjusted to the vehicle size (this may take time)

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the screen source is now created with the size it is displayd, i've also changed the event to prerender and disabeled the radar manualy (as it was blinking)

and ofcourse managed to fixed one problem - guess which ;)

i still need to check how it looks on different resolutions, and it can be released

Edited by Guest
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how about trying to capture the hud for 1frame, and then drawing it same for both frames?



PS:it looks like AA doesnnt work in the mirror?that sucks

i think i've tried everything...

problem - you can not capture the hud components into the screenSource...

and i know why the first video sucked so badly - the server fps limit was 35 FPS and the fraps recording was set to 25 FPS

New video is in the first post :)

i think release it tomorrow - just need to check if i did not messed up something when cleaning the code

ps: it looks good on all resolutions ;)

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but you tried to set render target to some texture onHUDrender, then restoring it only on normal onClientRender?

imo the texture should contain hud then(not sure tough)

It will be awesome if you also try to apply it to the texture "vehiclegrunge256" you will see an awesome car reflection - try it, may be an idea for car reflections.

I would like awoid conflict with other resources that modify textures...

Anyway the resource is released so I think this topic may bi locked

All comments and suggestions should be posted here: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=35931

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